
DRAMA! Bobbi Kristina's Aunt Leolah Brown Thrown Out of her Funeral!

Bobbi Kristina's Aunt Leolah Brown Thrown Out of Funeral After Outburst
There is family drama inside Bobbi Kristina Brown’s funeral on Saturday.
Leolah Brown, Bobbi Kristina’s aunt, was thrown out of the memorial service after interrupting she interrupted Pat Houston as she was walking up to the podium to speak, causing a stir inside St. James United Methodist Church, ET has learned.
Leolah yelled, "How dare you? How dare you?" Filmmaker Tyler Perry, a friend of the family, quickly jumped into action, crossing through the aisles to get to Leolah, calming her down before helping escort her outside.

Afterward an angry Leolah spoke to press, including ET, outside the church in Alpharetta, Georgia, saying that the late Whitney Houston was going to “haunt” Pat, who is Whitney’s sister-in-law, from her grave and spoke of the anger she had toward Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend Nick Gordon.
"Whitney will haunt Pat Houston from the grave. She will haunt her. Pat, it's not over. It has just begun. It has just begun," Leolah, Bobby Brown's sister, told press, including ET. "I have information, I have evidence, I have knowledge of who Pat really is -- she is not any relation whatsoever to Krissi -- she's not even a Houston. She's just being the phony person that she is."
Leolah also remembered her niece, telling press, "Krissi, she'll be remembered in our hearts forever. Just like Whitney."

Following the aftermath, she took to her Facebook page, writing in part, "i was unable to protekt [sic] her.. i hate this.. all i kan [sic] do is avenge her now."
Leolah has been outspoken about the handling of her late niece’s funeral arrangements, claiming in a scathing Facebook post that Pat was using Bobbi Kristina’s name “for her personal gain” in seeking donations to her foundation, The Marion P. Foundation.
This isn’t the only family drama surrounding the memorial service. A few days before the funeral, Gordon wrote an email to Bobby Brown and Pat Houston, pleading with them to allow him to attend the service.

"I loved Krissi with all my heart and I am destroyed that she is gone and I need to say goodbye,” Gordon wrote. "Krissi loved me very much and she would want me there."


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