
IRS issues, Infidelity! DAMN It must really SUCK to be Lil Kim RIGHT NOW!

Lil Kim’s Baby's Father Mr. Papers Gets PUBLICY LIKING NICKI MINAJ? 

Houston we have a problem A REAL PROBLEM! Things might appear to be shaky between Lil Kim and her daughter’s father Mr. Papers
Mr. Papers put up an interesting Instagram post that raised a few eyebrows last night. He grabbed a picture of Kim’s well-known enemy Nicki Minaj stretched across a fur carpet in a thong with her booty on full display:
And in the caption, he wrote, “Well Damn! @nickiminaj”. Wait what? Kim’s MAN is posting up pics of her enemy on his IG? What’s really good with their relationship?

Last we heard from Mr. Papers he was talking about putting a ring on it. But, we noticed something could have been brewing between the two during Kim’s latest Breakfast Club interview. While chatting it up with the radio hosts about her Hardcore 2014 mixtape, Kim was asked if she and her daughter Royal Reign’s father were still together. She responded,
“Oh, please come on. Hardcore 2014”
So she didn’t want to talk about her relationship and now he’s posting up Nicki’s cakes on his IG. We're also hearing that several weeks ago they MAY have broken up.  Thoughts?
Speaking of Kim….Not only is she possibly dealing with a break-up from her child’s father, she may also have some issues with the IRS.

According to Life & Style, Kimmy was issued a federal tax lien on Sept. 22nd that claimed the raptress owes a whopping $126,725.12 in back taxes to the federal government. The lien is seeking taxes failed to be paid in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Unfortunately for Kim, these tax issues come four months after being sued for failing to pay her former law firm, Dewey & LeBouf. The firm was seeking $186,217.93 for legal services over the past five years. And they won! Kimmy was court ordered to pay her outstanding balance….with interest. Damn.

We’re sure K. Michelle and for that matter Nicki Minaj is somewhere eating ALL of this up….

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