
Mia Love, Tim Scott, & Will Hurd GOP History Or Historical Minstrels?

Are Historical Wins By Reps. Mia Love, Will Hurd And Sen. Tim Scott Really "HISTORICAL WINS" or Or Historical Minstrels??
If you're into politics, Tuesday night was many things.  And definitely full of drama.  The Democrats lost several seats, causing the Senate to flip over to Republican control.  SO with a fully Republican-controlled Congress, President Obama's life just got more stressful.  Can he live?

There were lots of historical wins for blacks, but hold on a second before you start cheering.

Utah selected Mia Love as the first black female GOP candidate (and first Haitian) elected to Congress in US History.  And she's also the first person of color ever to represent the state; South Carolina elected Sen. Tim Scott (above), making him the first black person elected to statewide office since Reconstruction and the first ever black senator elected in South Carolina; while House of Representatives candidate Will Hurd became the first black Republican elected in Texas since Reconstruction.

Some might argue that these "historical" wins aren't wins at all for Blacks (if you're into the passage of bills that may actually help the race). Here's what Rep. James E. Clyburn, a black Democrat, had to say about Sen Tim Scott,

“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95% of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress.”

SIDEBAR: Sen. Scott was already in the Senate when he ran (he was appointed), but this election, he was ELECTED by the voters.

And when Rep Mia Love spoke to CNN about her historical win, she completely sidetracked the whole "black woman" thing and said race and gender has NOTHING to do with her win.

Well, first of all, I think what we need to mention here is this has nothing do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they're not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who are -- who have integrity, who could be able to go out and actually make sure that we represent the values that they hold dear.

So you all in Utah shouldn't expect much support when it comes to helping minorities, or even laws that simply level the playing field and make life more fair for everyone.

In 2012, the former Saratgoa Springs Mayor made waves as a speaker at the 2012 Republican National Convention.  Then, she ran for House of Representatives as the Republican candidate on a fiscally conservative platform of limited government and placed a heavy emphasis on "personal responsibility" during her campaign.  We all know "personal responsibility" is code for, 'No, I don't believe in leveling the playing field by creating/adjusting laws that would make life fair for usually slighted minorities.'

For instance, Mia believes colleges should be competing for students, and federal government should have no place in higher education in order to "bring down the costs".  Interesting, since public institutions are usually less expensive than private ones with no federal aid.  Even private HBCUs receive much needed financial help from the federal government. And does "compete for students" mean "leave it up to colleges to choose who they want"...which opens the door to discrimination if they deem it necessary?

By the way, "Mia's" birth name is Ludmya Bourdeau...and her birth place is Brooklyn.  In '98, after graduating college, she converted from Roman Catholic to Church of Latter Day Saints.  That same year, she met her husband, John, in September....and married him in December.  They now have 3 children. She totally WHITE WASHED HERSELF!

She lost that year, but won this week.

Then, there's Will Hurd in Texas. The best way to sum up the conservative former CIA officer is to say he's anti-Obama. He beat his opponent by describing him as beholden to President Barack Obama's policies, because you know, affordable healthcare to all and immigration reform are bad things to many in this country.

It's very strange as long as White Men were in The White House these folks stayed silent. Now a Black or politically correct Bi-Racial Man enters The White House they come a leaping.....Is Mia Love going to try and come for a White Woman in 2016.....WAIT FOR IT She knows her place!

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