
And so it BEGINS! President Obama is Called Ni**er LIVE On the Air!

So President Obama is Called Ni**er LIVE On the Air
This should make BLACK REPUBLICANS Happy! C-Span is supposed have a viewer with a higher IQ than a seashell, but one Republican caller proved this false. The person, identified as “Anthony” from San Diego, referred to the president of the United States as “n***er” live on television.

I would just like to say, that the Republicans — and I’m a Republican — please do not overreach, the caller began. I know they’re going to overreach but I’m telling you, if you advocate for the repeal of Obamacare and you get too extreme, then Hillary Clinton will be elected President in 2016.

This is about race, he added. The Republicans hate that nigger Obama.Host Steve Scully immediately cut Anthony off and moved on to the next caller.

LOL! Progress anybody? SMH!

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