
Transgender Baby sitter charged with MURDER in boy’s death!

Transgender baby sitter charged with murder in boy’s death!
The new charge against Kryzie King comes after the ​city Medical Examiner’s Office ruled last April that the death of little Myls Dobson — who was found emaciated and covered in bruises and burn marks Jan. 8 inside the sitter’s luxury Midtown apartment — was a homicide.

“The grand jury has charged this defendant with murder in the second degree,” said Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg before Justice Robert Stolz.
The new indictment against King also charges her with seven counts of felony assault and one count of attempted assault relating to the tragic death.

She faces 25 years to life in prison on the top charge.

“Not guilty,” King muttered softly in ​Manhattan Supreme Court Thursday when asked to plead to the new raps. The twisted sitter, sporting a 5 o’clock shadow and cornrows, wore a gray T-shirt and sweats.
King, 27, allegedly admitted to police she viciously beat the boy because he was misbehaving and locked him outside on an 11th-floor terrace in his underwear for nearly an hour in the freezing cold.
King became Myls’ caretaker when his father, her former boyfriend Okee Wade, was locked up in a New Jersey jail. The child’s mother had lost custody for abusing him.

“I just hope Myls is OK ’cause this li’l boy has been through a lot over the years,” King told cops before she knew he was dead. “Just want what best for him ’cause he a good child, just had the wrong mom and dad.”
The Jamaican-born King had a sex change when she was 18, she told cops, according to court papers.
King is being held in lieu of $250,000 bail on Riker’s Island in an infirmary for an undisclosed illness.

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