
R.Kelly addresses The issue concerning his Transgender Child!

R.Kelly address reports about his Transgender Child!
R. Kelly’s daughter Jaya, 13, that he has with ex-wife Andrea Kelly identifies herself as a ” Transguy” on social media,  explaining a transguy is a biological girl who is transitioning into life as a boy…R. Kelly addressed the issue recently when he sat down with radio station WGCI “The Morning Riot” show  and talked about his daughter Jaya becoming a transgender. ” I don’t address dumb sh*t”
Check out the full interview
R. Kelly tells radio host when asked if he’d like to address the topic that

“I know, but don’t even give the blogs that kind of credit. But as far as that’s concerned, always believe what you see—with your own eyes that is. That’s the best way to go about this business I’ve heard a lot of things about a lot of people and it was never true.”

“Even when you see it with your own eyes, you gotta know that there’s a backstory. It’s a background, that’s why you can’t judge nobody.”

R. Kelly says you can not judge people, And that he does not address dumb (sh*t)

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