
OH MY GAWD! Pittsburgh Cop ATTACKS Woman at a PRIDE Event!

Cop Allegedly Violently Assaulting Woman At Gay Pride Emerges On Facebook:
A video posted by Jenna Renee Kenny on Facebook shared more than 5,600 times shows what appears to be a police officer violently assaulting a woman at a Pittsburgh's Pride in the Street festival which took place on Saturday..

Wrote Kenny: "EVERYONE WATCH THIS!! This happened right in front of me at pride today. & please share he's a prick & shouldn't get away with it. He was smiling the whole time after he got her in cuffs."
The alleged assault occurs after a voice is heard over a loudspeaker saying "Well now she is getting arrested."

Reuters now has more on the incident:
Moments into the shaky 15-second video clip that was shared widely on social media, Souroth Chatterji, a male police officer, can be seen dragging Ariel Lawther, 19, who attended the march, down by the hair and punching her in her torso.
Lawther was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. A criminal complaint said Lawther had been in an altercation with an anti-gay protester, and then began hitting the officer as he tried to break up the fight, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Chatterji has been placed on desk duty for 30 days while the incident is investigated.

Mayor Bill Peduto reacted to the incident yesterday, saying: "I just want to reassure the people that this is a new day, we won't look the other way when incidents like this happen. And we want to assure everybody, and that includes both the public and the police, that we want fairness."


This is just insane instead celebrating your PRIDE your licking your wounds?

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