
HUH? Apollo & his Crew was STEALING at The R.H.o.A Reunion Show?

Apollo & Friends Were Stealing at The Reunion Show ?
This is really sad and pathetic, it appears that not only did Porsha get arrested, but someone in Apollos camp was arrested also for stealing items from Kenya and Miss Lawrence…  Some tea came out today…. And let me tell you …. It is very juicy and I can see why Kenya’s demeanor changed when Part 3 aired.. She had a lot going on that day….. Read the tea inside.

According to Tamara Tattles:
First, my behind the scene sources are giving a few more clues about what was going on backstage while Andy and the girls were filming. I’m going to try and piece it together for you. I contacted my source because I was pretty skeeved out by Apollo’s behavior and actions. I had not used any of my chits (remember, I try not to pester the sources and get in and out with all the tea I can without interrogating them to death). I wanted to know what the dynamics were backstage with Phaedra and Apollo. I also wanted to know if he actually brought that jacket. LOL. Sorry. I know I ask about weird things.

So the jacket was Apollo’s and he was not forced to wear it like an underdressed male at a five-star restaurant. Which to me makes it even more odd. But before you laugh at me for wasting a question on the jacket and his bizarre clothing choice, my source made an interesting comment about Apollo’s behavior. I’m going to type the tidbits I got in black and my comments will be in purple from now on.

Apollo and Phaedra arrived in separate vehicles.

Because, I keep telling you these two spilt when Phaedra moved into that house. The backpack on the show was the major clue we had during the season. What grown man with no legal employment carries a backpack with him every time he leaves the house? One who lives someone else, that’s who. Remember him saying he had mail, “from the old place?” That’s where he lives. He visits the boys, takes them to lunch, with um, a friend etc.

When Apollo arrived, he brought a small posse. Apollo seemed…I think the word was erratic…or hyper. Apollo was hanging with his boys a lot behind the scenes to the exclusion of others as they filmed and got touchups etc. The group sort of roamed around behind the set and upstairs where the dressing rooms were, according to my source.

I suppose his urban chic attire was meant more to impress them than the cameras. It seems odd to me that he was allowed to bring a posse, I mean friends. Even the housewives are not allowed to bring in people other than their stylists and makeup people as I have understood it. Maybe he said their were his stylists. He does seem to live in a delusional world where he has a “brand” and “fans.” So anyway, Apollo had a glam squad or something.
After the physical attack on Kenya by Porsha, the police were called and an officer came to make a report. After some time filming resumed without Porsha. Several breaks were taken. Things were tense. Apollo was wandering around with his boys, the other husbands were there, the ladies returned to their dressing rooms. When Kenya and Lawrence arrived in her dressing room for a break in filming and more make-up spackling, and hair styling several items were missing. Lawrence’s bag was stolen with his wallet. Kenya’s carry-on luggage with her purse and laptop inside was also gone. Nothing was missing from any of the other rooms. The police were called again and the same officer responded that took the incident report on Porsha.

The source says that Kenya’s laptop was found by police. Some guy was trying to sell the laptop on the street and he had Lawrence’s ID.

So that is two people who got arrested for crimes against Kenya at the reunion. I forgot to say Apollo and them were the last to leave, LONG after Phaedra and the rest of the housewives got out of there. He just kept on hanging out according to my source. When I asked what he was doing there so late at night the source said he was just hanging out. Weird.

Phaedra boo, you are the company you keep and at the end of the day Apollo is making you look like a certified fool! I feel bad for Kenya, I mean, it just seems like the show is getting way too negative… I think Bravo need to let some people out of their contract…. Lawrence and Kenya better put an Extended Fraud Alert on their credit report, if they haven’t already. Think about it, Apollo is in trouble for identity theft.

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