
OMG: Why is Trina posting SUICIDAL messages on Instagram?

Trina Is Devastated Post Disturbing Message About Suicide on Instagram
It seems like Trina is not taking it well that French has been flossing around town with Khloe Kardashian, as you know Trina found out about French and Khloe just like everyone else, through the internet and she was not too thrilled about it..

They were living together in New Jersey and after seeing a video of French and Khloe loved up in a strip club, that drew the line for her to pack her things and bounce. Let’s be clear here…. Trina got with French while he was still married to his wife, so this is an absolute true saying… You lose them, how you get them…Even though he was dating deelishes before her…. Still…

I already told you how Kim was upset with Khloe for dating French Montana, which put a strain on her friendship with Trina Laverne … As it would….

Everyone seems to post their feelings on Social Media and Trina was not exempt, she posted this:
I remember the last time Trina was like this when her relationship with Lil Wayne ended, she lost weight and everything. Not to mention her brother dying a year ago today, so it could be a combination of both. Trina darling, take Eve’s route, you would be a lot happier…  Trina will be alright though, she will pull through! No man is ever worth it…

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