
Mama Joyce: Yeah Kandi married him and I STILL DON'T USE HIS A**!

Mama Joyce Still Not Happy For Kandi & Todd…
Despite Mama Joyce saying she would stay out of Kandi’s business concerning Todd Tucker, Mama Joyce is still making it known she does not like Todd and she had a lot to say after the wedding.

We’re told after the wedding, Mama Joyce spoke to toofab and had this to say:

I had no reason to bite my tongue. I’m not gonna be the one to stop her from jumping into the fire. I tried, I did all that ahead of time. Too late for me to pull out of it then, not gonna make a fool outta myself!

Mama Joyce insist the wedding was beautiful, however, that didn’t stop her from saying:
“Long as she’s happy, that’s the one that has to be happy. Doesn’t make no difference if I’m happy or not, she’s the one that has to live with him. I did everything I could do. If she’s jumping in the river with sharks, she’s gonna get chewed up. It’s not about me, whether I’m right or wrong. People show you their best when you’re dating them, so if she’s seeing the best now, the worst is yet to come.”

Mama Joyce even spoke at the wedding, were told she stated:
I said, ‘She looks very happy. I’m happy that she’s happy and I hope that she continues to be happy. I hope she’s always as happy as she was last night.’

She adds:
I got a little pissed at the bridegroom the night before this wedding. He kind of held up on signing the prenup and didn’t come to the rehearsal dinner because he didn’t want to sign it. His mom said she didn’t see no reason for him to have to sign because they were in love. He was the one who didn’t have a damn thing, but that’s another story. But from what I understand, he did sign.

Mama Joyce lightly adds:
I can’t wait till you see the wedding pictures … to see how beautiful I was.

Damn… Mama Joyce be going in! No holds barred at all!!

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