

R.H.oA MADNESS: Apollo Nida Begs Judge To Postpone His Trial
When it’s time to face up to your crime, you can’t bear to stand it so you try to postpone things, which is what’s going on in Apollo’s case. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida is requesting that the Judge postpone his Identity Theft case, conspiracy, bank fraud, and more. He filed a motion to pleading with a federal judge to postpone his criminal hearing.

According to court documents filed on February 10, Nida has asked for “an extension of time up to and including March 25, 2014.” The delay “will allow the parties sufficient time to discuss a potential resolution of this case,” such as a settlement, the documents explain. Nida also wants more time to go over the government’s case against him before deciding whether to proceed with trial or accept some kind of a deal.

You can’t dodge the law forever, but he wants to try and work something out where he repays the money he stole and avoid jail…Naw homie!!!

The Feds would have probably been more lenient if this wasn’t his 2nd offense doing the same thing, so clearly he didn’t learn the first time. They gave him a chance but the Feds are going to teach him a lesson this time. Defrauding the US Treasury?…No, your about do some time.
Apollo is just as big of a threat to the community as a violent offender. He preys on people and their savings and hard earned retirement.

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