
Cissy Houston to Bobbi Kris! You little Brat! How dare you get Married!

Cissy Houston to Bobbi Kris! You’ll little Brat! How dare you get Married!
Last week Bobbi Kristina announced her marriage to former play-brother Nick. Well her grandmother, Cissy Houston, is not amused... Accordijng to TMZ
Bobbi Kristina and her "adopted" brother/new husband SAY Grandma Cissy Houston gave them her blessing to tie the knot ... but we're told that couldn't be further from the truth.
Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon are now engaged, and they proudly told us so. They also claimed they attended a Sweet 16 soiree and that's where Cissy gave her thumbs up.

But our Houston family sources say they were at the party ... neither BK nor Nick ever asked Cissy for her approval.
In fact we're told Granny Houston was PISSED when she found out the two tied the knot last week ... but realized there's nothing she could do it about it.

Oh wells!

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