
Kim & Kanye Getting Married Before Her Divorce From Chris?

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Getting Married?
Kanye West wants to be married before his “baby is born”. The problem is Kim Kardashian is still married to Kris Humphries, and it does not look like he is going to give her a divorce anytime soon.

Here’s what HollywoodHiccups reports

Kanye is very traditional. “He’d have liked to marry Kim now they are having a baby. “But with Kim still married to someone else, there is not much he can do. “It won’t be official like a wedding because Kanye wants that to be extra special when the time comes.”

Well one thing for sure Kris is smarter than he looks, I think he enjoys the attention and besides he wants Kim to admit she used him and the whole wedding thing was a fraud…stay tuned

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