
Did Barbara Walters Come for Pat & Cissy Houston On ‘The View’?

Did Barbara Walters Attack Pat & Cissy Houston On ‘The View’? 
In full promo mode for their new Lifetime reality show (Houston’s: On Our Own), part of the Houston (Pat, Pat’s daughter and Cissy) family visited ‘The View’. The co-hosts all watched two episodes of the show (before the show), so the majority of the interview surrounded around the family’s new reality show. While watching the segment, we noticed, along with some of the folk on social media, that the conversation seemed a bit tense–especially between Barbara Walters and Cissy and Pat Houston. In short, Barbara questioned if they felt it was appropriate or too soon for Bobbi Kristina to be on reality TV.

Peep a few excerpts from their conversation:

Pat Houston, on if it was too soon for Bobbi Kristina to be on reality TV:
Actually she’s been around since she was 16.

Pat Houston, on rumors that Bobbi Kristina’s rumored engagement to Nick Gordon:
It’s a friendship, they started off as friends. Sometimes. They’re young…she’s 19-years-old, she’s 23. She’s still a teen, she’s still a child.

Pat Houston, of if Bobbi Kristina would have been better without doing a reality TV:
The show technically isn’t just about Bobbi Kristina. A reality series or not, cameras have been following her since she was born. She’s not isolated by any means. The name just changed. I’m talking about a reality show that was filmed two years ago called ‘Power Brokers’. Bobbi Kristina was on that show, and so was my daughter. It centers on all of us. Even the crew being around, has been great for Kristina.
Cissy Houston, on how she feels about being followed by cameras:
Not very good. Miss Cissy is not too happy about that. I’m a part of the family and I am supporting my children. You know anything about me, you can’t make me do anything.

Pat Houston, on if Bobby Brown will be on the show:
He’s not on the show, but that’s the father, so he is definitatley mentioned.

And here are two clips from the segments.


My question for you is, do you feel that Barbara’s line of questioning was inappropriate and went too far? Or were her questions and delivery totally warranted and on target?

1 comment:

  1. VERY VERY INTERESTING.... You see, here is the thing..... I think folks may be a bit sensative with this subject because Whitney is Black Folk Royalty and to have her MOM there on the show under scrutiny may put a bad taste in the mouths of many, BUT...having said that.... THEY KNEW the kinds of questions to expect from such an interview as they are PROMOTING A REALITY SHOW!! Barbara Walters has NEVER been one to hold back the hard questions and ESPECIALLY on The View where she is not bound to ALL the RESTRICTIONS she may have had were she on 20/20 doing an exclusive OR in their homes one on one....she would have been a bit gentler and charismatic. She did apologize during the broadcast for sounding harsh an unsympathic, BUT with a REALITY SHOW at stake..and being on a PROMOTION TOUR FOR IT.... THESE QUESTIONS GO WITH THE TERRITORY and wanting to be EVASIVE did not help the situation at all...... AS you see PAT was the one answering MOST of the questions as she is accustomed to doing DAMAGE and IMAGE CONTROL.

    BUT BARBARA DID COME FOR THEM...and Sherry didn't like it at all... You can tell in her voice and her posture!! Black Folk Royalty there!!
