
WWJD? Atlanta Pastor Accused of Spreading HIV to Members?

Atlanta Pastor Craig Lamar Davis Accused Of Spreading HIV, Having Affairs 
Married Atlanta pastor Craig Lamar Davis is facing allegations of having affairs with two women and not telling them that he has HIV.

Davis, of Full Gospel Baptist Church, was arrested July 22 on reckless endangerment charges and released from the Fulton County Jail on $1,500 bond July 24, according to public records. He has not responded to the claims of affairs or that he is HIV positive.
While it's been more than a month since Davis was arrested, the allegations first surfaced Tuesday after one of the women who made the claims contacted blackmediascoop.com.
Ronita McAfee said she met Davis on Facebook and began having an affair with the married pastor. She claimed Davis never notified her that he was HIV positive.
"Mr. Davis shows no regard for the human life as it relates to his HIV positive status and having sexual contact with men and/or women," McAfee wrote in an email to the website.  "This email is only for informational purposes and to let the people of the church know because it is alleged that Mr. Davis has been sexually rampant in the church."
McAfee sent a photo of what appears to be an HIV test she took in Atlanta. The test results show that she is HIV negative.
The Atlanta woman said she sent the email so it could be passed on to the senior pastor at the church and encourage any women who may have had a sexual relationship with Davis to get tested.
"Mr. Craig Lamar Davis is a master manipulator: women have bought him cars, relocated and purchased homes under the impression that he was going to marry them, bought him countless suits and accessories (i.e. watches, ties, jewelry, shoes, etc.), given him their food stamp cards every month as if he's entitled, depleted their checking and savings account on his behalf, etc. and he expects nothing less," she wrote. "He lurks at the church for his prey for some odd reason or another."

And Twitter are condemning the pastor on the social media site.
"Pastor Craig Lamar Davis, you should be ashamed of yourself. Disgraceful!!" wrote @derochedynasty.
"Sad situation cant trust the pastor who can u trust," said @Kandylena.
"Craig Lamar Davis that pastor should rot it [sic] hell! Passing aids around trying to hurt others Smh," opined @Wise_BeyondYRS.


  1. This is shameful and never should have taken place. BUT, this woman(Ronita McAfee) along with all the others that were willing to have an affair with a married pastor are no better than this piece of scum. You have to treat everyone as if they are HIV+/AIDS because you can not tell and they sure as hell won't, despite what the law says. She seems to bitter about more than the no-good pastor's health status. I feel the hurt, jealousy, wanting, and pain she is feeling because he didn't want her any longer or he wouldn't leave his wife. It is much more than the status. I am not bashing the so-called victim but let's call a spade a spade. If you have sex with a married man, pastor or not, you get exactly what you deserve.

  2. First off, either she has NO CASE or this is a typo because if she sent an email that says she is HIV NEGATIVE, then what is the fuss about? So, I believe this is a typo......

    NOW, if this is a true story, THIS IS GOING TO BUST THE BLACK CHURCH WIDE OPEN!! After the Eddie Long scandal, and all the other things that have been "coming to the light", this is about to be another issue from within the PANDORA'S BOX we call "THE BLACK CHURCH"....

    WOW......PASTORS....HETEROSEXUAL Pastors spreading HIV.......and they say the GAY FOLKS are the ABOMINATION......



  3. While I agree that to have a culprit use the connection of the church to procure victims of his own sexual addictions and difficulties is abominable, I don't see why it is necessary to drag the entire black church through the mud with his personal scandal. Not all churches in the African American community are plagued with twisted representatives having criminal and/or immoral activity with the congregations for personal gain. There are scores of clergymen who are upstanding, moral and righteous in their actions towards parishioners and the community at large without the blood stains on their hands of having inflicted some cruel, crooked, life-threatening situations, whether health or financial or otherwise. This culprit, if in fact he has done the laundry list of immoral and criminal acts listed above, will have a day in the presence of a jury of his peers and will eventually have a day of judgment of the Most High Authority and face a sentence that cannot be overturned. Those persons with whom he allegedly had affairs will need to continue getting themselves tested for HIV status over a period of time to assure that they have not received false negatives or premature results that may lead to a person having a false sense of security. I encourage the informant to follow through with a repeated test about once every six months for the first year or two, and at least once a year thereafter, as the virus has the ability to remain dormant in the system for varying lengths of time dependent upon the strain of the virus, the overall physical condition of the victim, and other variable conditions. May God continue to pull the wool off of wolves in the congregation and make His people aware that not all who say Lord, Lord, are holy, and likewise that those who are false, are not a representation of the overall church!
