
Mitt Romney: You Negroes want Free stuff? Then Vote for Obama!

Romney on NAACP Booing: If They Want More Free Stuff, Tell Them to Go Vote for the Other Guy
You Negroes thought you were being cute when you Boo’ed Mitt at the NAACP Convention…HUH? Well when he got around his people (Caucasians) he had a few words for moochin' ass Negroes…his words not  Mines…LOL! From Rachel Maddow's show this Wednesday evening, Mitt Romney responded to being booed during his speech at the NAACP for saying he would end "Obamacare," at a fundraiser in Hamilton, Montana and showed his true colors when he said this:

ROMNEY: Remind them (Negroes) of this, if they want more free stuff from the government tell them to go vote for the other guy -- more free stuff. But don't forget nothing is really free.

FREE STUFF????? This MoFo has shown his TRUE COLORS!
Who you know gets free stuff? African Americans get a damn clue. This man was never for us anyway and on top of that. He belongs to a CULT yes I said CULT that just 30 years ago did not see Blacks as humans!
Wow. I guess he wants to make sure he drives that African American support from 1-2 percent all the way down to zero. As Rachel Maddow noted, it was pretty obvious Romney wanted to get booed and he's not wasting any time showing us why. He's all ready with the race baiting right out of the gate. And this bastard wonders why Blacks don’t vote for Republicans.It is difficult for Republicans to admit or understand why blacks voted for Obama. I'm sure many blacks voted for Obama purely because he is black or bi-racial. You don’t think whitye voters voted for McCain because he was white?
The reality is blacks weren't going to vote for McCain anyway - and definitely won't vote for Mitt. Just remember us Blacks voted for Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, and Carter because Republicans turned their backs on them 40 years ago with the Southern Strategy. They made this thing racial, and now they are whining about it. Republicans do not represent black peoples interests.

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