
Loving v Virginia of 1967; The Loving Story Coming to HBO!


Loving v. Virginia of 1967 The Loving Story’ to Debut on HBO in February
Monumental film, “The Loving Story,” based on the civil rights struggle that overturned the interracial marriage ban, will make its television debut on HBO during Black History Month in 2012 appropriately on Valentine’s Day, according to Shadow and Act.
 The production is a documentary that focuses on the real-life story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple living in Virginia where interracial relationships were once illegal.

But their union brought to the nation’s attention this issue with the US Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia of 1967. The case changed the face of love across the States, forever transforming the fabric of what the U.S. accepted as true love.
The film includes exclusive interviews with the family of the couple and the attorneys who worked diligently on the case.

See the Trailer here:
For those of you who are not aware of The Loving's read here for the entire story!
Before you see it on TV, filmgoers will have a chance to check out the film at the Palm Springs International Film Festival in January.
This will be a must see and a powerful film especially with the fight for Marriage Equality going on presently!

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