
The Daily Buzz For July 21

Erica Campbell talks to Rolling Out Mag She Prepares For Her Greatest Challenge Yet!
Erica Campbell could probably use a nap. That assessment may sound like a harsh critique of the beautifully kempt mega talent, but the observation is actually meant to be a sign of both concern and respect. As a member of the record-breaking duo Mary Mary, the goodwill built up by Campbell and her sister, Tina, is hard to argue against. Just drop the name Mary Mary, and you’re guaranteed to have a sold-out show with thousands of adoring fans lined up to catch a glimpse of the long-standing sister team.

But that’s not what Campbell is up to these days. Currently, she’s on the promotion trail alone, ministering as a solo artist with twice the message, but half the team. It’s a journey that has found her going above and beyond the normal call of duty for a press tour.

With such a rigorous schedule, it’s no wonder that Campbell can be found on the set of her photo shoot with rolling out closing her eyes from time to time just for a brief respite from the grind. But once those eyes reopened, we saw a woman intently focused on spreading the gospel in a way that’s both totally unorthodox, and completely needed in today’s time. Read her interview with Rolling Out below
This is the journey of Erica Campbell … and she’s enjoying every last second of it.

You’ve been on the road nonstop promoting yourself as a solo artist. In fact, it seems a lot more rigorous than a typical promo run for Mary Mary. Are we correct in that observation?
The promotion for Help and Help 2.0 has been pretty rigorous. So many people know me from Mary Mary so that’s what they’re used to, and when you’re introducing people to something new, it just takes some time. I understand how much work it takes to really get people to see, feel, respect and pay attention to your ministry, your music, and what you’re trying to convey to the world. So it requires a lot of travel, shaking hands and smiling. But it’s good. As long as people get the music and the message, then I’m doing my job.

Do you think this campaign requires more than the traditional style of promotion?
Being Erica Campbell definitely takes more than being Mary Mary because we have 14 years of history, and 14 years of music. We also have Sony, who is a very big machine. And while being with My Block and eOne is amazing, it’s not as large of a team, so it takes a little bit more work and dedication to reach the people. But I feel like we are doing a very good job, so I’m enjoying the whole process.

What is the feeling and connection that you’ve felt from your new single? How has the response been?
The response to my new single, “I Luh God” has been great. The song helps me share that I know I would not be here if it were not for the help of God. In church you need something to praise to, but you also want something to turn up to. So I decided to put it all together in a song. People were calling it “trap gospel,” but I really don’t know what trap music is so I just did what I felt. My husband created the track and it was banging and we just went with it. I just hope people hear my heart. I know that everyone won’t and that’s OK with me. I’m so unbothered by all of that because I know my purpose and I know my goal. And anytime that you know your purpose and your goal in life and you know beyond a shadow of doubt who you are and what you were put here to do, then they can’t tell you who you are.

How did you get to the point of knowing your purpose and not caring about the opinions of others?
For starters, I love who loves me. So if you don’t love me, then you don’t have the right to speak into my life or speak about my life. Now, I know you’re going to have your opinion. You can even have a whole blog bashing Erica Campbell 24 hours a day … but I’m not coming to that site. Why would I waste my good gospel energy on a person who doesn’t like me?
How has traveling the world and meeting different people changed your perspective on God?
Traveling the world just opens your eyes. You go places and you meet different people and you find out that we all cry, we all rejoice, we all love, we all want to be loved, we all get discouraged, and [we all] ask questions. So as I travel different places and meet different people, I remind myself that God is not Black, and he’s not Pentecostal … he’s God of the world. So whatever continent you’re on, God is there, too. It really can make you more selfless because we can all be so self-absorbed and think that everything revolves around us, but it doesn’t. Traveling the world helps me see that.

Recount a time when you got an unexpected reminder that your life and career were on the right track.
Tina and I were doing an event called “Women of Faith” and it wasn’t just a concert, there was also comedy, music and dancing. So at the end of the event, we did an autograph table and this girl came running up to us really frantic. She said that she was an atheist, but she heard “God in Me” in the club, and loved the song. She said that she went and bought the record, but when she listened to the first song she thought, “I don’t want no gospel record ­— what is this?” But because she loved “God in Me” so much, she listened to it and at first she thought that maybe she’ll just go to church once. She ended up going to church and giving her life to God. It changed her whole life. She was crying and saying thank you so much. To me, that’s better than any award, a Grammy, or even a million albums sold. It’s better than the most famous person in the world talking about how much they love my music. To change someone’s life in that way is priceless. I think that’s the kind of stuff that makes God happy. That’s the only reason I do this.

Do those moments outweigh the tough industry moments? The music industry seems to get tougher by the day.
The music business is tough … but I am tough. To whom much is given, much is required, so you may be in a little more pain than the average person. And you may have to work a little harder, or endure more than the average person. I mean, my sister Tina … look at what she went through in front of the whole world. Everyone will go through problems, but how you deal with them is very important. How I deal with the fact that the industry is very crazy is important. I can go through this industry, and be complaining about it all the time. But I won’t do that. If you’re in it, just be in it.

How important is it for you to be able to sleep at night with a clear conscience?
Sleeping well at night is very important to me. Looking in the mirror and liking what I see is very important to me. I have worked in a grocery store; I’ve been an assistant to a hairstylist. I’ve been a girl that just sold programs at the theater and there were people who were nice and there were people who were mean … I never want to be that mean person. It should never be your intention to hurt someone … that’s so ugly. If you feel good being mean to somebody else, then you need to look at yourself differently. If I’m the odd girl out because I want to be nice to people, or I’m the odd girl out because I’m married and I actually submit to my husband, then so be it. I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my family and I love God.
h/t Rolling Out

ICYM! Fantasia and Taylor Are Married!
Fantasia fiancé Kendall Taylor tied the knot on Saturday in an intimate ceremony with red and black themed decor. Fantasia posted the beautiful wedding photos on her Instagram page yesterday.
Fantasia writes:
Those who really know me know that I LOVE Water.. Can you see it? How Happy I am.. This Man.. God made him just for Me and me Just For Him.. This Man.. Covers and prays for me and my children EVERY morning.. This Man.. Loves My Father in Heaven and his name is God.. This Man allows me to just be a woman.. No more Hurt because King Kendall will never let that happen.. I’m off to just kiss, Hug and play in some water with This Man.. Look at Him in the pic YEP!! HE COVERS ME.. Be Happy with me you guys cause I’ve been thru SOOOOO much. Some stuff was my wrong decisions but all I ever really wanted was this.. Real Love. This Man and this smile is real… Later you guys bye bye for a while.. God did not forget about me….

I told you this on last week and she has did it! CONGRATS FANTASIA!

TIME TO SIP SOME TEA: We have The REAL Reason Bravo Axed Nene's Spin-Off?
Last week it was announced that NeNe Leakes' Real Housewives of Atlanta spin-off with Kim Zolciak had been canceled because of scheduling conflicts

Well it seems that was NOT the real reason… Set insiders tell Michelle Brown of Straight from the A NeNe's spin-off show was packaged into her Real Housewives contract and the deal was taken off the table when she decided to walk.

NeNe is currently booked to co-host 8 episodes of a revival of 60s game show 'To Tell the Truth' with Betty White and Anthony Anderson.

Wendy Williams: ‘Ciara and Russell Are About as Phony as a Three Dollar Bill’
The Queen of MEAN Wendy Williams weighed in on the relationship between love addict Ciara and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson on her popular daytime talk show.

Calling Ciara and Russell “opportunists,” Wendy agreed with Ciara’s ex-boyfriend, rapper Future Hendrix, who criticized Ciara for bringing a man around their 1-year-old son, Future Zahir Wilburn, after knowing him for only a few months.
Addressing Ciara directly, Wendy looked at the camera and said, “I feel that you are not into this dude like that, and that you are using [Russell] as an opportunity to stay out here because people aren’t buying music.
Then Wendy addressed Russell, calling him a narcissistic opportunist who craves the limelight: “Russell, you are equally opportuning on [Ciara] because it’s off-season in football, and you kinda might like to be on a red carpet with a beautiful woman.”

Recalling Russell’s statement that he and Ciara are remaining celibate until their wedding, Wendy said that’s all part of Ciara and Russell’s strategy to stay relevant.

“Isn’t that something between a couple?” she asked her audience who enthusiastically agreed.
“Young adults say they’re not having sex, and that’s fine,” said Wendy. “Like, if you’re 18 dating an 18-year-old, or if you’re 22, or whatever. But you [two] aren’t even any virgins… Okay! So, please…”
Wendy advised Ciara and Russell to keep their personal lives private.
“Don’t go to the mall together for people to see you and judge you; and don’t go on red carpets together for people to see you and judge you. ‘Cause were seeing you and we’re judging you, and I think this relationship is about as phony as a three dollar bill!”

Wendy also accused Ciara of using her and Future’s son for publicity and as a means of getting back at Future for abandoning her at the alter. Wendy compared Ciara to other narcissists like LaLa Anthony and Kim Kardashian who will do anything for attention. Wendy is such an evil ugly character.

Is Porsha Williams’ New NFL Boo A Bad Choice?!
Porsha seems to be getting her grove back, but is it with the wrong guy?
Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams has been flaunting her new man a lot on social media recently. As far as we can tell, the two haven’t been dating long, so it’s a bit shocking that she’s so open with someone she may barely know.

Here’s what we do know so far. Michael “Duke” Williams is a 24 year old safety for the Buffalo Bills and is 10 years Porsha’s junior. Yikes! He was in a bit of hot water last week when pornstar Mia Khalifa put his “thirsty” butt on blast via Twitter.
But Duke attempted to clear it all up and said he was “well hydrated”. We’re assuming Porsha helps him in that department.
But should Porsha be giving her love and affection to a boy man with a troubled track record? The #TeamWilliams twosome have been going post for post on Instagram, showing off there new love affair. Which makes us questions … is this new relationship for real or just for da ‘Gram?

See Queen Latifah Rocks Gray Box Braids On The Set Of ‘Miracles From Heaven’
Following her EMMY nomination for her title role in the HBO film Bessie, Queen Latifah is hard at work on new film.
We told you the actress/raptress has joined the cast of Sony’s faith-based drama Miracles From Heaven, produced by Meagan Good’s husband DeVon Franklin and Bishop T.D. Jakes.
While deets about her actual role have yet to surface, new pictures of Queen dressed as her character have popped up online. The Bessie star was spotted rocking gray box braids while dodging traffic with Jennifer Garner (who’s currently going through a divorce from her husband Ben Affleck) and young actress Kylie Rogers on the set in Atlanta.
Below is a synopsis of the film via press release:

Miracles From Heaven is based on the amazing true story of the Beam family, whose 10-year-old daughter, Anna (Kylie Rogers), is diagnosed with a rare life-threatening disease that tests their family and everyone's faith. As they meet with doctor after doctor to find a cure, or at least offer some respite from Anna's severe symptoms, it is not until she has a near death experience that a miracle happens that changes their lives forever.
It will hit theaters in March 2016.

In Case you brought tickets for a Play based on The Legendary Clark Sisters…There’s something they want YOU to know! They Have Not Approved A Play About Their Lives
The Clark Sisters Come Out Publicly On Social Media That They Have Not Approved A Play About Their Lives
The Clark Sisters publicly rebuke their nephew on social media for moving forward with a play on their lives that they have not approved!  No mess like family and church mess and this one is a hot combination of the two!  Checkout their posts below:

So if you have purchased tickets to this show. I suggest you get your refunds! h/t obnoxious

Lauryn Hill does a NO SHOW on a Sold Out Show!
Earlier this month singer Lauryn Hill canceled a show in the UK after being banned over past legal problems
Last week, however, Ms. Hill bailed on a sold-out show without explanation…
According to reports Lauryn Hill was scheduled to perform on Wednesday at a sold-out show at fort Citadelle in St-Tropez but never took the stage.

Organizers did not give a reason for the no-show but Ms. Hill turned up later that night at St-Tropez nightclub VIP Room and gave an impromptu performance for club goers. Now sources are also saying: The show at the Citadelle was cancelled. The show at the VIP Room was an advertised event that also sold out. The promoter is responsible. Lauryn showed up and performed were she was suppose to. You notice the organizers or not complaining. The club owner is thrilled. So was Lauryn right?

Beyonce is ready to go Full Frontal?
Insiders claim Beyonce is willing to strip down to her birthday suit for her next movie role…

Sources tell OK Magazine
“Beyonce has been working her butt off and has released a record-number of material, but she feels like she’s reached the top and the only way is down.“
"So now, she doesn’t want to have all her eggs in a musical basket, and wants to focus on her acting career."
“She really wants to find a jaw-dropping edgy role in an indie movie that will blow everyone away and she’s willing to go nude for the right part, too!”

Dr. Dre And DJ Premier Were Spotted Together
The idea of Dr. Dre and DJ Premier working together is a hip-hop nerd’s wet dream.
A photo of them working together may signify that two of the greatest producers the genre has seen are trying to turn said dreams into reality.
Keen eyes caught the pair together over the weekend and the Internet went crazy. We just hope it arrives sooner than that mythical Dr. Dre album that may never happen now (See: Beats By Dre).
Could a potential Dr. Dre/DJ Premier collaboration be on the horizon?

Chris Brown Reportedly Believes Close Friends Were Involved In Home Heist
We were shocked to learn Chris Brown’s Tarzana mansion was invaded by masked gunmen, who held his aunt at gunpoint while they ransacked the home. Breezy’s mother Joyce Hawkins has been pretty vocal about who the alleged culprits are.

And now, it appears Breezy is on the same page as his mom.
While Breezy was tapped to host a pre-ESPY party last week, his home was ransacked by thieves.
According to TMZ, Breezy allegedly believes the four men who carried out the scary home invasion are close friends of his. And so do police. In fact, authorities believe gangs (specifically the Bloods) might be involved as well. Why? We’re not exactly sure. But, we do know a member of LAPD's Gang Unit has been assigned to the case, so that likely has something to do with it.

Gotta always stay vigilant about the company you keep.

2015 BET Presents The Players' Awards
Over the weekend, BET Networks partnered with the National Basketball Players Association to air the inaugural Basketball Player Awards, voted on by NBA’s active players.  The ceremony (hosted by SNL's Jay Pharoah) was held in the Penn & Teller Theater at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas and is set to air on BET on Tuesday at 8pm/7CT.  Performers included Kid Ink, Fifth Harmony, Monica, 2 Chainz and Jason Derulo.

Here's who was spotted....
Former NBA player Allen Iverson arrived with wife Tawanna.  The couple's estranged relationship has been widely reported and we've been following them for years. It's great to see them in a good space.  Also, Allen is the subject of a new book Not a Game: The Incredible Rise and Unthinkable Fall of Allen Iverson by Kent Babb (out now).
Code Red songstress Monica arrived with her baller hubby Shannon Brown (formerly of the Miami Heat, LA Lakers).
Singer and POWER starlet Naturi Naughton was a presenter during the ceremony.
Rap icon MC Lyte helped MC/announce the evening.
LA Clippers star Chris Paul attended with wife Jada.
2 Chainz arrived in one of his infamous panchos.
LA Clippers star Paul Pierce arrive with wife Julie.
Actor and activist Jesse Williams was a presenter.
Jalen Rose was there to support.  This fall, he'll star alongside Betty White and Nene Leakes in "To Tell The Truth."
"SNL" funnyman and master impressionist Jay Pharoah look very dapper.  He hosted the ceremony and keep the crowd laughing.
DJ Khalid, who DJed the show, kept the crowd moving ont he 1s and 2s.
Mo'ne Davis is grown up to be a fine young lady.  A few weeks ago, she was named Best Breakthrough Athlete at the ESPYs.
BET exec Stephen Hill was also in the building.
Free agent Dahntay Jones hit the red carpet.  CBS Sports reports that Mr. Jones is one of the most sought after free agents in the game.  He's being recruited by the Kings, Knicks and Clippers.

Thongs above the waistband is not a good look. What appears to be some sort of diaper or new tattoo protector thong is even less sexy.


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