
The Daily Buzz For June 24

Viola Davis Dishes to The WRAP on How to Get Away with Everything!
The beautiful Viola Davis graces the cover of The Wrap magazine’s Emmy Comedy-Drama Issue, bringing the heat in a strapless red hot flowy dress. Photographed by Corina Marie Howell, the strikingly gorgeous ABC starlet poses it up in two looks that show off her style and grace. But aside from serving up some flawless flicks, the veteran actress gets candid about her role on the hit series, stereotypes in Hollywood, and much more.

In the cover story, the 49-year-old Emmy contender dishes on how she strives to portray the ruthless defense attorney/criminal law professor Annalise Keating in “HTGAWM” as a real person and not just a television character. She said, “I always say I hold it up for the regular people out there. There’s still something very human in each episode, and when I say ‘human,’ I mean flawed.”

Being a woman of color in Hollywood certainly comes with obstacles, but when you’re an African-American woman of a certain age in the industry, it definitely comes with even more challenges. But, Viola says she’s not deliberately trying to defy the odds. She's just doing what she does best and just so happens to be breaking down barriers. She dished,

"I say that that makes me happy that you said that. I’m not trying to defy odds. I feel like I just move through life doing what I do and I think that, in doing that to the best of your ability, I think that’s the most progressive thing that you could do in your life."

So true.

The Tony Award winning actress also talked about how the iconic “wig scene” came about. She said taking off all of her make up and pulling off her wig wasn’t an issue for her because she never wanted to "be the Vogue woman.” She revealed, “I want to present women as they really are.” And we love her for that.

The veteran actress also talks about possibly making history as the first African-American actress to win the outstanding actress in a drama Emmy, struggling with not feeling sexy enough for roles, and more.
Below are the highlights:

Annalise is such a flawed heroine, obviously it makes it interesting for an actress to play–but why do you think there’s still such rooting value for her?
Well I’m happy that you say that, but I just felt like in the midst of this fiction–which it is, it’s fiction, it’s a soap opera, it’s salacious, it’s tantalizing and all that–I felt like there should be something in each episode for women to look at and feel like it was familiar. To feel like Annalise is familiar. Taking her wig off, me not being a Size 2, me being obviously 49. I always say I hold it up for the regular people out there. There’s still something very human in each episode, and when I say “human,” I mean flawed. Things that we probably do in private that we don’t want anyone else to see. But when we see it in actors and when we see it onscreen, it makes us feel less alone. And I felt like which each episode I tried to at least achieve that in the midst of this kind of pop fiction. And I think that’s why people root for her.

As we were talking about challenges in the industry, I mean, you must obviously see online reports with statistics of lack of roles for women or anemic amounts of female directors, writers etc. in Hollywood year after year. Yet you are an actress that is defying every single sort of stereotype or issue that Hollywood is facing: ageism, sexism, racism. What do you say to that?
I say that that makes me happy that you said that. I’m not trying to defy odds. I feel like I just move through life doing what I do and I think that, in doing that to the best of your ability, I think that’s the most progressive thing that you could do in your life. I think that when you stifle your voice in any way to kind of meet the status quo is when you stifle your voice and that part of you that can make a difference.

The wig scene is iconic. I mean it will be one of those scenes like “Melrose Place” when Kimberly took off her wig — that we will be talking about 20 years from now and it’ll be on “Top 50 TV Moments” lists. Was that written already even before you stepped into the role? Or did you collaborate with Pete and Shonda and sort of talk that through? Or was the scene something that you said “I want to do this?”
Well, I didn’t want to be the Vogue woman. I didn’t want to be the woman who came in with the sexualized–I say sexualized, not sexy, because sexy is a certain self-consciousness to sexuality–I say that Annalise is sexual. Every time you see that sexual, mysterious, kind of cold woman, she always looks like she has that blow-dried hair and that dewy skin and, you know, those Double-Zero clothes. I did not want to be that woman because I don’t know that woman. And I’ve been watching that woman in movies for several years. And I felt like this was my chance to woman up. Because I think that how we are as women, just in real life, is very interesting. And I think that in the hands of a woman–and I’d like to think that, in my professional life anyway, I have a certain braveness and boldness–I want to present women as they really are.

I remember one woman wrote me after that scene when I take the wig off, “That’s me except I still have the retainer in my mouth.” It’s not always about being pretty. But it is about uncovering and feeling comfortable with the way we are and the way we look when we’re in private. You know, as soon as you walk through the door, what do you do? You take off your bra, you let your titties sag, you let your hair come off–I mean my hair. I mean, I don’t have any eyebrows. I let my eyebrows be exactly what they are. And it’s me. And I wanted that scene to be somewhere in the narrative of Annalise. That who she is in her public life and who she was in her private life were absolutely, completely diametrically opposed to one another. Because that’s who we are as people. We wear the mask that grins and lies.

Shonda recently said at a conference she was speaking at, “I’m done talking about diversity.” Then just last week we had Maggie Gyllenhaal for TheWrap Magazine who also mentioned that Hollywood’s facing ageism and sexism–and now you mention women of color– so I would like to touch on racism too. Why do you think it’s taken so long for females in the industry to start speaking out about all of these issues?
I don’t know why it’s taken so long. I do think it’s time, though, for people to step in to an arena where they’re not confined. Where there’s no restrictions based on their art and their voice. And I think that there’s a restriction when you label someone just in terms of their sex and their race. Because I think that there is an expectation of who you need to be within the confines of that. I just mentioned that with the black women, you gotta be sassy, you gotta be sexy, your hair has gotta be a certain way. It’s very iconic roles that have existed in the past for black women. Like I said, I don’t want to have any structure. I don’t want to have any kind of reins put on me. I want to be absolutely human in my role.

I don’t know as a person what I’m going to do tomorrow, so I don’t know what Annalise is going to do tomorrow based on the situation she’s placed in. I don’t want to necessarily be likable all the time and I think that’s what Shonda is saying. I think that she probably gets a lot of pushback on feeling like, “What is your responsibility to people of color?” “What is your responsibility to women?” And I think her whole thing is like, I just want to write. The one thing is when you put pen to paper as a writer, it’s just like when you tell a story to your kid at night. You just want the world to be your oyster. You don’t want any fences put up and I think–I’m imagining–that’s what she’s saying about diversity.

To the point earlier of you defying odds in Hollywood: You have a starring role in broadcast network TV show where you are having sex scenes with a hot man – I’m assuming – 10-15 years your junior. You recently made a movie with J. Lo about two female vigilantes, the kind of female movie that studios barely make anymore because it’s all about superheroes right now. Again, it just adds to the list. You stand to make history as the first African-American actress to win the best drama Emmy? What do you feel when you think about that?
It hasn’t happened yet, that’s how I feel. I’ve gotten used to that with awards, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t want to walk around thinking anything is going to happen, but I do know that I always say, it’s something Robert de Niro said in his commencement speech at NYU to school of the arts, I always have in my head the three words, “And then what.” After the awards, after the red carpet is rolled up, after the show is no longer on TV – cause it will happen, either sooner or later, it will happen – and then what? My career as an actor is much bigger than Annalise Keating, it’s much bigger than an Emmy award or an Oscar. So and then what? And my job, and I will keep reiterating it, is to create people. And I always hope that people see that.

When you talk about your lack of choice, have you personally had a situation when you were being considered for a role and you felt that blatant sense of them thinking you weren’t sexy enough?
Absolutely. All the time. But, and I’m going to reiterate this, this is not how I feel in my personal life. I feel sexual, I feel happy, I feel alive. I sometimes feel insecure, just like any woman, but I feel pretty good about myself at 50. That being said, when you do see a woman of color onscreen, the paper-bag test is still very much alive and kicking. That’s the whole racial aspect of colorism: If you are darker than a paper bag, then you are not sexy, you are not a woman, you shouldn’t be in the realm of anything that men should desire. And in the history of television and even in film, I’ve never seen a character like Annalise Keating played by someone who looks like me. My age, my hue, my sex. She is a woman who absolutely culminates the full spectrum of humanity our askew sexuality, our askew maternal instincts. She’s all of that, and she’s a dark-skin black woman. Some people who watch TV have acknowledged that and understand that. But I encourage you to search your memory and think of anyone who’s done this. It just hasn’t happened. I hear these stories from friends of mine who are dark-skin actresses who are always being seen as crack addicts and prostitutes.
So is it really stereotyping in casting?
In general. Just in general. And it’s not anything that is just perpetuated by White America or just perpetuated by Black America. It’s just a cultural understanding that you’re just not a part of the equation when it comes to sexuality and I think that people mistake your lack of opportunity with the level of your talent. And it’s not true. If the opportunity is not out there for you to play it, then you don’t see it. If you give someone the opportunity in a narrative to be able to show that range, I’m telling you, they’ll go for it. The people who are talented will go for it.

Check out Viola’s full interview here.

New ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Promo Released!
It’s all fun and games until someone gets bit!  Frank Dillane runs for his life from Walkers in the promo for the new AMC series Fear the Walking Dead.   Yep, you guessed it.  Fear the Walking Dead is the spin-off series of AMC’s hit show, The Walking Dead.  Just remember, shoot for the head!


Does Frank look familiar? Harry Potter fans will be pleased to know (or maybe not) Frank is best known for his role as the young Vol-, I mean You-Know-Who, in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince back in 2009. 
The new series is a prequel to the adventures of Rick Grimes  (Andrew Lincoln) and the gang, showing what the world looked like before it transformed into the zombie apocalypse.  Unfortunately for The Walking Dead fans, with only 6 episodes in the season, our chances of knowing what exactly started the apocalypse are slim.

From the super tease trailer, you can see no one is really fully aware of what’s happening.  Get a grip people the apocalypse is upon us!

Fear the Walking Dead will premiere this August on AMC!

So Claudia Jordan Not Fired from R.H.o.A?
Earlier this week rumors ran wild that Claudia Jordan had not been asked back for another season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta [click here if you missed that].

Now insiders are saying that's not quite true…

According to LA Late only main cast members Kandi Burruss, Kenya Moore and NeNe Leakes are offered contracts this early in the year. The others sign consent to film agreements and Bravo doesn’t make the decision on who to keep or who to let go until October, well after filming begins.

So Claudia's peach may still be safe.

Obama to eulogize Pastor Clementa Pickney in Charleston!
President Barack Obama will give the eulogy at the funeral of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church pastor, the late Rev. Clementa Pinckney, on Friday, the White House has confirmed.
The news was first reported by The Post and Courier this afternoon and was quickly confirmed by the White House.
Vice President Joe Biden will also attend the Charleston, South Carolina, funeral service.
Additional details about the president's trip were not immediately available.

'Michelle and I know several members of Emanuel AME Church. We knew their pastor, Reverend Clementa Pinckney, who, along with eight others, gathered in prayer and fellowship and was murdered last night,' the president said the morning after the tragedy, speaking from the White House press briefing room.
'And to say our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families, and their community doesn’t say enough to convey the heartache and the sadness and the anger that we feel,' he said.

The vice president recalled that he saw Pinckney less than a year ago during a visit to Charleston.
'He was a good man, a man of faith, a man of service who carried forward Mother Emanuel's legacy as a sacred place promoting freedom, equality, and justice for all,' the vice president said in a release provided to reporters by the White House.
He added, 'We pray for him and his sister as we do for the seven other innocent souls who entered that storied church for their weekly Bible study seeking nothing more than humble guidance for the full lives ahead of them.'

A church member places a black cloth on the chair of the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, before services at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday. The church held its first service since a mass shooting left nine people dead during a bible study
Church elders decided to hold the regularly scheduled Sunday school and worship service as they continue to grieve
Pinckney was among the nine churchgoers who were murdered last Wednesday in cold blood by a white shooter while participating in a bible study. His sister was initially thought to have been killed, as well, but that did not turn out to be the case.
The man believed to have committed the massacre is 21-year-old Dylann Roof.
He reportedly confessed to police and admitted the act of violence was influenced by the race of the congregants.
'You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country,' he reportedly shouted at the victims, as he shot them multiple times.
Roof's roommate told authorities, according to ABC News, that the suspected shooter was into 'segregation' and wanted to 'make something spark up the race war again.'
Pinckney is survived by by his wife Jennifer and two daughters, Eliana and Malana.
The prominent South Carolina was first elected to the statehouse in 1996. In 2000 he won his bid for the state Senate.
During it's first service since the shooting, on Sunday, Emanuel AME honored congregants honored their late pastor by placing a black cloth on the chair he once occupied.
A black cloth was also placed over his desk at the South Carolina statehouse in Columbia. A single rose, surrounded by baby's breath, in a vase sat atop his desk on Friday.

Is Rihanna Losing Her Touch so she focusing on fashion?
Industry insiders are whispering about Rihanna's struggle to come up with a hit record…
From Page Six: Rihanna is back in the studio recording her upcoming album, “#R8,” because she’s struggling to produce a radio hit, a source exclusively tells Page Six.
“The singles haven’t caught on. She’ll be fine because she’s Rihanna — but it’s not a good thing that the songs haven’t stuck.”

So since she’s having this problem she has been quietly working on her new fashion line '$chool Kills...'

Sources tell Grazia Daily: ''$CHOOL KILLS will be an accessories range covering everything from tote bags to purses and, later on, fashion. ''She still loves the music and it's what launched her, but this is her focus right now.''
''Rihanna has already had a successful clothing line with River Island and is not limiting herself to just music and touring for the rest of her life."
''Rihanna has plans to create a fashion empire. She sees herself as a completely unique brand and the last year has been all about setting herself up for this.''

I think she’ll be just fine!

TEAM EMPIRE! Taraji P. Henson Channels Diana Ross On W Cover
YESSSSSS Taraji is channeling R&B/Soul Icon Diana Ross on the cover of fashion bible ‘W’ magazine.
The 44-year-old actress is best known for her role as the feisty and excessively obnoxious “Cookie” in Fox TV’s ‘Empire’

Channeling the Franceso Scavullo-photographed album artwork of the songstress’ acclaimed 1980 album, Diana, W’s Creative Director Edward Enninful styled Henson for this sensual array of Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot photos. Henson is masterfully dodging a nip slip in one photograph while sweat beads artfully roll down her damp features in another.
While a completely different look for Henson, it’s hardly a surprise Diana Ross was a muse for the shoot: As Empire‘s costume designer Rita McGhee revealed to us here at Fusion, Miss Ross’ legendary closet is the only one Cookie would love to raid, with McGhee taking style cues from the diva often.
t’s even more interesting to consider that the Diana album, Ross’ tenth studio production, was the singer’s most successful album to date, spawning the hits “Upside Down” and “I’m Coming Out.” It was a musical rebirth for the R&B legend, as she reportedly wanted “a fresher, more modern sound,” and was gravitating towards disco music.

Guess Who – Takes A Stroll In Bell Bottom Jeans
If the back tattoos didn’t give it away already, here’s another hint. She recently nabbed a new reality series alongside her daughter on OWN.
Scroll down for the answer..

It’s Evelyn Lozada.
The reality star posted a few pics of her soaking up the sun in bell bottoms, and a sexy, back-revealing gold tank top. “Follow me…. #LivinLozada #OWNTV #RockTheBells,” she wrote. “Pardon my back…”

Livin Lozada premieres Saturday, July 11 at 9p ET/PT on OWN.

Photos: Evelyn Lozada – Instagram

Spider-Man ‘Must’ Be White and Straight, According to Leaked Sony Emails
Peter Parker and his alter ego Spider-Man must always be heterosexual AND Caucasian, according to a the licensing agreement between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Entertainment.

The requirements were disclosed as a part of another massive document release by WikiLeaks, which released this week 276,394 private files, emails and financial data onto its servers.
Sony Pictures and Marvel reps declined to comment on the licensing agreement, first reported by Gawker.
via Variety: The contract went into effect in September 2011. It lists “mandatory” character traits for both Peter Parker and Spider-Man — and the agreement includes the caveat that Spider-Man is “not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual).”

The Peter Parker/Spider-Man character was created in 1962 by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko. He first appeared in “Amazing Fantasy #15? as an orphan being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Parker was portrayed as a teenager dealing with adolescence and being a costumed crime-fighter, complete with super strength and agility, the ability to cling to most surfaces, and to react quickly to danger with his “spider-sense.”

The agreement spells out that mandatory Spider-Man traits must always strictly conform to the following list: male; does not torture; does not kill in defense of self or others; does not use foul language beyond PG-13; dose not smoke tobacco; does not sell/distribute illegal drugs; does not abuse alcohol; does not have sex before the age of 16; does not have sex with anyone below the age of 16; and is not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual).

With all of the Spider-Man movie reboots going on, it might be time to switch things up pretty soon.

Kevin Hart, LL Cool J, Tracy Morgan & Shirley Caesar Among Hollywood Walk of Fame 2016 Honorees
Some of your favs are receiving one of Hollywood’s highest honors — a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today, the Hollywood Walk of Fame Class of 2016 was announced, which included comedic actor Kevin Hart; actor/TV host LL Cool J; gospel artist Shirley Caesar and comedic actor Tracy Morgan.

After hearing the news, LL wrote on Instagram:

"I’m truly grateful. And Thankful. GOD is Great.. look Grandma I’m still doing it.. Dreams don’t have deadlines.. Teamwork makes the dream work. ."

And Kevin Hart, shared his excitement, writing on Instagram:

"God is AMAZING….crying tears of Joy!!!! Mom I know your smiling from ear to ear right now!!! All of my hard work blood sweat and tears are truly paying off!!!! I am so grateful of this honor!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH….This couldn’t happen without the support of my fans….I love u guys from the bottom of my heart!!!! #HustleHart #ImGettingAstarMom #Blessed #ComedicRockstar #Motivation #Focused"
Here’s the full list of upcoming honorees:

Motion pictures: Bradley Cooper, Quentin Tarantino, Michael Keaton, Steve Carell, Kurt Russell, Ashley Judd and Toshiro Mifune (posthumous)

Television: Kathy Bates, Tracy Morgan, Allison Janney, David Duchovny, Rob Lowe, Debra Messing, Roma Downey, Barbara Bain, Gary Sinise and William S. Paley (posthumous)

Recording: Adam Levine, Bruno Mars, LL Cool J, Cyndi Lauper, Shirley Caesar, Joseph B. “Joe” Smith, Itzhak Perlman and “Mama” Cass Elliot (posthumous)

Radio: Ralph Lawler

Live Theatre/Live Performance: Kevin Hart, Angélica María and Harvey Fierstein


EYEWEAR MADNESS: Fakoshima X Ria Keburia Sunglasses
Y’ALL LOOK I came across a haute pair  Fakoshima X Ria Keburia sunglasses. The sunglasses are not for everyone...They are meant for those who love to stand out amongst the crowd... Talk about a "Statement Piece."

The brand also has a few other styles that are super dope with cateye details. They are priced at $385. Check out  3 pair below:

The sunglasses features white circle frames with a mustard color cateye detail and printed sides. Aren't they fabulous?
I really love these because of the color blocking and it features my favorite color...Pink. The sunglasses have lavender circle frames, mint green cateye detail, and pink sides. These would look great in an all white It screams fun in the sun!
These sunglasses features white sides with mint green circle frames and a purple 'V' that would be right between the eyebrows... Cute right?
The brand describes their sunglasses:
  FAKOSHIMA sunglasses became an insignia, an identification code by which it’s easy to spot "your own" - wherever you are and whatever you wear. It is kind of a mask that hides. It attracts attention, intrigues, and establishes new ties between their owner and the surrounding.

Check out more from the brand at www.Fakoshima.com and tell us what you think!

Porsha Williams Celebrates Her 34th Birthday (With Nene Leakes & Phaedra Parks)
"RHOA" starlet and "Dish Nation" hostess  Porsha Williams linked with Belvedere Vodka for her 34th birthday celebration at Tongue and Groove in Atlanta.
As the cocktails flowed, Porsha and her friends celebrated her successful year on television and (likely) the firing of her enemy Claudia Jordan off "RHOA."
It was also a celebration of sorts for Coco & Chanel.  You might recall that Porsha nicknamed her new boobs C&C.  They were on full display during the festivities.
Porsha's "RHOA" castmates Phaedra and Nene both showed up to shower her with love.
And Nene came with gifts.  She captioned, "Miss boo boo kitty @porsha4real wanted to be ratchet last nite and open her gift on the side walk LOL so I let her! Imma shoe Queen so I blessed her feet with a pair Manolo Blahnik #Birthdayturnupforporsha."

The Boston Globe Links Benzino With Notorious Street Gangs Following Police Sweep
Current reality TV show fans associate Benzino with catfights and assassination attempts but a new probe by The Boston Globe has likened the former Source magazine underboss and Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta cast member as a gangster’s associate.

On Thursday, June 19, while the entire world focused its attention on Charleston, South Carolina, the FBI conducted a massive sweep with the aid of local law enforcement, targeting the Columbia Point Dawgs street gang. Allegedly, the CPD made the ill-fated mistake of bragging about guns and murders on social media and YouTube and an investigation has been piling up for months.
Federal prosecutors charged 48 people in six indictments for crimes ranging of gun and drug crimes, while six members are still at large. Some of the charges carry a minimum punishments of 20 years in prison. The FBI considers them dangerous the fleeing suspects to be dangerous.
According to The Boston Globe, several of the members have “artistic connections” to Benzino (real name Raymond Scott, meaning they likely recording or dealt with him throughout his long-storied career in the Hip-Hop business. Reportedly, one of the arrested suspects, Willie Berry a.k.a. Sco or Scodough, operated 8 Bus Records in Dorchester, Massachusetts has appeared in several music videos with the Made Men rapper.
When faced with these allegations, Benzino released a very brief statement through his attorney, Martin Leppo, which read, “I deal with lots of people in the music industry, and beyond that I will not make any further comment.” He probably was better not saying anything at all.
Berry is being accused of a leading a crew offset of the Dawgs.

‘Tiny Dancer’
I don’t trust bottom biscuits with that type of discoloration. Can’t be healthy for you.


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