
The Daily Buzz For June 11

Taraji P. Henson, Viola Davis Talk Taking On Major Roles Despite Being Fearful 
When you put six Emmy contenders around a table to discuss sexism, agism and Hollywood, what do you get? Truth and honesty!

Primetime actresses, Taraji P. Henson, Viola Davis, Jessica Lange, Lizzy Caplan, Ruth Wilson and Maggie Gyllenhaal joined each other for an exclusive Hollywood Reporter round table discussion about being successful women in the entertainment industry.

But what fans might not have known is that stepping into their respective roles on their respective primetime shows came with much fear. “I’ve never seen a 39-year-old, dark skinned woman who is not a size 2 be a sexualized role in TV/film ever,” said Davis, who stars as Annalise Keating on ABC’s How To Get Away With Murder. “But to say it was fear would be an understatement. It was bigger than fear.”

Davis went on to tell the women that she was “mortified” when she saw herself in the pilot episode. “I saw the fake eyelashes, I saw the wig. I thought ‘are you kidding me, who is going to believe this?’ My big aha moment was ‘this is your moment to not typecast yourself. To actually play a woman who is sexualized.'”
For Henson, her fear stepping into the shoes of Cookie Lyon on Fox’s Empire was simply: People might not like Cookie. “I got nervous,” she said about reading the script for the first time. “Cookie is so bigger than life. It can go either way. You can either love her or hate her. I was petrified. For me that fear meant it’s a challenge that I had to take on. If it doesn’t shake me up, then why am I doing it.”


Get more over at The Hollywood Reporter!

Tamar Braxton was scheduled to perform for L.A. Pride but organizers are claiming she bailed with no explanation… 
LA Pride executive producer Jeff Consoletti tells TMZ Tamar was one of the first acts confirmed for the annual gay pride fest but then mysteriously stopped taking their phone calls as the event neared.

Consoletti admits Tamar never received a check so no legal action will be taken but he's very upset that he had to scramble for a replacement.
Rapper Angel Haze has agreed to perform in Tamar's place.

OH WOW! Azealia Banks throws SEVERE SHADE Katy Perry!
Azealia Banks serves Katy Perry hell of shade on social media... Azealia tweeted @katyperry the "trap house" though ?

Keyshia Cole's Hairstylist Goes HAM In Walmart in a BRAWL!
It's too bad Keyshia's  stylist got her ass whooped in the video footage. StraightfromtheA reports, Well “Mychael Michelle” known as ‘kellzatlstylist’ didn’t and had to get her ass “HUMBLED” in the west end walmart recently! Kellz got her start doing the beautiful Model, Kamille Leai’s hair, Shay Johnson, Traci Steele etc in exchange for exposure from “D LIST” celebs. 

She then went on to build her name and brand in Atlanta by getting people to work for free for her based off her name. This trick is as broke and cheap as they come! She claims she broke and can’t pay her team who slaves for her in that hot ass shop she decorated from the thrift store. She brags on how she uses her name to acquire free services instead of paying her team.



Marvin Sapp on his new album, the Black church, and remaining spiritual after losing his wife to cancer
Marvin Sapp understands the power of having a strong spiritual foundation. During his rise as a gospel singer and pastor, Sapp lost his wife, Dr. MaLinda Sapp, to cancer.
Through music and ministry, Sapp has been able to heal himself and provide a sense of guidance for others who have experienced difficulties.
With his latest album, You Shall Live, Sapp continues to inspire and take gospel music to new heights. He recently spoke with our friends over at rolling out to discuss his new project and how he maintains his spiritual base.

Let’s start by discussing the title of the new album, You Shall Live. What was the overall meaning behind that title?

It’s a declaration in essence. That’s what the whole record is really about. It’s about declarations and affirmations. This is a declaration of no matter how challenging life may seem to be, no matter what your struggle may be at that point of time, that giving in and quitting or dying isn’t an option. Just get up and make that declaration. I’m going to live. I’m going to fulfill the purpose plan and the destiny for my life.

How important is it for you to continue to use your music to help others get through their journey?

I’m a very strong believer that anything that you do, that you have to have a conviction for. I think that’s what kind of makes it easy for me to be able to do the type of music that I do. It’s because it’s more than just me singing lyrics about an individual that I haven’t experienced and or don’t know. But it’s a conviction. Because of my conviction and because of that relationship that I had with them and the knowledge that I have with God, it kind of makes it easy for me to be transparent about my struggles, my triumphs, my trials. After 25 years of being in the business, I don’t know if I could say that it’s easy because it’s a challenge remaining current, but it’s fun trying to evolve every time it’s time to do a new record. Just so people can hear you and say, ‘yeah that’s that Marvin Sapp joint I love it.’

Your song “Never Would Have Made It” remains a gospel classic. How does it feel to know that the song resonates years after its release?

It’s amazing. The song just went gold. The record went gold about four or five years ago. The record is almost platinum. You never really think that your music is going to have that type of impact. You dream of it, but you never think that it’ll happen. Music can be like a season. You’re hot today, you’re not tomorrow. So I just personally enjoyed the ride and kind of tried to keep doing what I’m doing and remain current musically. That’s what it’s all about to me. At this point, it’s not reinventing the wheel, it’s just making sure that the wheel still works.

You experienced a tremendous loss with the untimely passing of your wife MaLinda. How did you remain spiritually grounded throughout that period?

One of the greatest blessings of being married to my wife, MaLinda Sapp, is that she was a licensed psychologist. She was a professor of psychology and professor of sociology and she was a limited licensed psychologist. Outside of my relationship with God, I found myself going to a natural doctor to help me process. My children were also there. We went to a psychiatrist to go through some serious counseling in order to ensure that we would maintain our mental stability. That’s one of the things in the urban community that we fight. It’s sad when we have that crazy uncle or cousin and we just stick them in a room and lock the door. Everything isn’t a demon. Some stuff is just chemical. Because I grew up and was in a house with a woman who understood those things, who understood the spiritual side as well as the mental side, the first thing I did immediately was put me and my kids in an environment so that we could salvage our mental health. Talk to God, but make sure you find someone that’s professionally trained who can help you process your pain.

How have you adjusted to being a single father?

It was a challenge. I have two girls and a boy. My girls were younger, so they were 11 and 13 when my wife passed away. My son was 16 and he was pretty much at the age where he was raised. But now my girls are 18 and 16, one’s about to go to Alabama A&M and the other one’s a junior in high school. It taught me some very viable lessons about understanding sensitivity. It taught me how to listen better. It also taught me that there is a maternal side to a man that many of us don’t want to tap into. We have to learn how to not only tap into the father side, but we also have to tap into that maternal side as well so that we can give them all aspects of what they need, especially since it’s only me.

Have you dated much in recent years?

Things have changed drastically. I’ve been out of the dating game for years. The last time I went out on a date, up until recently, was when I was married. Now a days things have drastically changed and the expectation is different. I’ve learned that with all the self-help relationship books out there today, time is not really being taken into consideration in building relationships anymore. If it ain’t where we need it to be in 90 days, we’re moving on. It didn’t used to be that way. It used to be that you took time to build a relationship. The advice that I would give any man or woman is that you can not be anything to anybody until you are everything to yourself. Meaning, you have to be completely whole in order for you to be anything to anybody. Have your stuff together. Make sure all your bills paid. Make sure your FICO score is straight. You don’t want to be with somebody and be a hindrance. You want to be with somebody and be a help. I don’t believe in falling in love, never have. I believe you grow to love somebody. I believe that you meet somebody and you’re enamored with them. I believe you look at them and you may lust them. But you can’t love somebody you don’t know until you grow to love them.

What are some good and bad things about the Black church community today?

One thing I love about the Black church is the people. One thing I wish I could change about the Black church is the people. That’s the answer. If people study their bibles, the same stuff that we’re dealing with now is no different than the stuff that they’ve dealt with in biblical times. All these folks say, ‘I can’t believe this is going on in the church.’ Where have y’all been? It’s the same junk that’s been going on since the days of Jesus. What we need to do is understand that there’s going to be wheat and tears, and they’re going to grow together and just let God do the separating. If we let God do the separating, we won’t be plucking up wheat accidentally thinking that they’re tears. I just preach in season and out and let God separate man. They’re his people. I’m just called the pastor who he sends. I’m not called to say you’re saved and you’re not.

What do you want the impact of your latest album to be?

Musically, it will be an extremely successful record. People will go out and get it and it’ll do what it’s supposed to do. It’ll sell the types of units because it’s a business. I’m not crazy, I’ve been here long enough to know that this is business. But you want to make music that has a life that lives beyond its specific date of release. That means that it’s message is still relevant. That’s what really makes “Never Would Have Made It” such a great song. Not because of it’s in depth lyrical content, it’s not a deep song, it’s just a song that resonates with so many people because so many people have had those moments. So I’m hoping that We Shall Live has a song on it that really resonates with people just as “Never Would Have Made It” did.

Great! Be on the lookout for his new CD!

Meet the Surgeons who created Caitlyn Jenner!
Caitlyn Jenner expresses deep gratitude as she gifts her plastic surgeon with a personalized copy of her Vanity Fair cover, following her big reveal.

“To Harrison, Great job. Thank you so much, Caitlyn Jenner,” the gold medalist penned on the cover of one of the glossy magazines, which she presented to one of her plastic surgeons, Dr. Harrison H. Lee.
“So impressed by my boss Dr Harrison Lee’s phenomenal work and being part of Caitlyn’s transformation. #caitlynjenner #drharrisonlee #vanityfair #transgender #realself #loveit,” Harrison’s employee Vilma wrote on Instagram, accompanied by a snap of the 65-year-old sitting alongside Harrison while holding up the signed publication.

And while Jenner’s results are quite good, the process of getting there wasn’t exactly a cake walk. “We knew it would be a long procedure and everything was planned ahead of time, and we’re very fortunate that everything has gone very well,” Dr. Gary Alter, Jenner’s other surgeon, told the New York Daily News.
Per Jenner’s 22-page cover story, the “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” alum underwent several surgeries which included breast augmentation but it did not include genital surgery. Other common surgeries with feminization of the body include liposuction, tummy tuck and other similar procedures.

Dr. Alter, an expert in the fields of genital reconstruction and plastic surgery, said he performed “some body work” for Jenner but declined to specify. Nonetheless, Alter’s work on Caitlyn Jenner could very well make him one of Hollywood’s most sought after plastic surgeons.

What do you think of Jenner’s body work?

There Are Thousands of Nicki Minaj Cutouts Covering the Steps of a Cathedral in Finland
Residents of Helsinki woke up to an incredible sight today. The steps of the Helsinki Cathedral, one of the city's most famous buildings, have been absolutely covered in these life-sized cutouts of Nicki Minaj. 

The incredible scene is a marketing stunt by the Summer Up Festival, which Minaj is performing at early next month, according to Helsinki News. Minaj's show at Summer Up will be the first time she performs in Finland, and organizers are making sure as many people get to see her as possible. 100 of the cutouts have two-day tickets to the festival appended to the back. 

The goal for the stunt was to gain world-wide attention and cause "positive wonderment," festival director Martin Mustonen told Helsinki News. We'd say mission accomplished.

SHE SAID…SHE SAID? Solange's Business Partner Armina Mussa Gives HER Side As Stabbing And Assault Victim
In April 2015, Armina Mussa, an up and coming artist (who happens to be besties with Solange and artistic and creative head of Saint Heron) was stabbed ten times by Arronesia Christophe (below).  The incident landed her in intensive care.
Details surrounding the case were quite sketchy, but now we're able to piece together the puzzle pieces of this she said/she said. Let's start with the defendant....

Arronesia (who was booked on charges of attempted second-degree murder last week) says she arrived at a high school friend's home one evening when Armina, who is said friend's ex-girlfriend, ran out of the home and asked her to leave. Arronesia reportedly replied, "We're just friends, why do I have to leave?"
Police records state Armina approached Arronesia, who then grabbed a small folding knife from her car and told Armina to "get back," and to "please back away."
Arronesia then claims SHE was attacked, and that's is why she began to stab Armina. SMH....The police report adds,

"(Arronesia) stated she did not think she had stabbed the victim due to the harder thrown punches that she received from the victim."
Arronesia did stay on the scene until the NOPD arrived.

Now.......a new article in the NOLA Defender shares Armina's side of the story, and it differs from what Arronesia told the police and the Times-Picayune.
For starters....Armina remembers the event differently. She also says she was the victim.
“I was faced with a kitchen knife that the aggressor and trespasser had in her hand while her vehicle was parked in front of my home. When I approached the aggressor and trespasser’s vehicle window to ask that she leave my property, she sat there with her head tilted towards me, while waving the kitchen knife in a malicious demeanor. I then said to her through the window, ‘You need to leave.’ The aggressor and trespasser then proceeded to exit her vehicle and wave the kitchen knife in my face while questioning me aggressively in regards to why she should leave.”

“We began to argue for no more than a minute until I felt extremely threatened and struck. I was afraid to turn my back on an armed, angry, and seemingly violent person. So, I took the initiative to use a forceful handle on her by attempting to take her down and knock the knife free, which unfortunately did not work. The aggressor and trespasser began slashing me with the kitchen knife repeatedly until I was completely weakened and bloody. I backed up. Shocked, I said, ‘Why would you stab me?’ She appeared to have no remorse. I was stabbed from my abdomen up to my head. I then removed my own shirt to stop the bleeding from my head while I shouted my prayers to God so hard before losing consciousness.”
When asked why she's sharing her story now, Armina said,
“Amongst the extensive physical damage I have endured, coming to peace with myself mentally has unfortunately been a struggle. The accounts that have been circulating regarding what took place made it difficult to carry on.”

The NOLA Defender went on to contact Solange, who praised her friend for how she's handled herself.
"Watching Armina's strength, courage, grace, and positivity during this time of hardship has been nothing short of a miracle. She is a true reflection of the word, survivor, and a testament of resilience. I couldn't be more proud of my dear friend."

As stated earlier, charges have been filed and we'll keep you posted as this case moves forward.

The “Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight to have a highway named after her in Atlanta
West Peachtree Street NW to become Gladys Knight Highway…… Yes that’s right the “Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight to have a highway named after her in Atlanta. Knight, was born in Atlanta and has several restaurants in the city. She has won four Grammy Awards and is best known for her hits with Gladys Knight & the Pips

Gov. Nathan Deal signed off on dedicating part of Georgia State Route 9 in Knight’s name. State Route 9 will be named Gladys Knight Highway from 14th Street to Peachtree Street NE in Atlanta. The road is currently known as West Peachtree Street NW.

Rick Ross Arrested AGAIN!
According to WSB-TV Atlanta’s local new station police officers stopped Ross in his Bentley on a window tint violation.The officer said when he opened the door, he smelled marijuana — the officer found marijuana cigarettes and arrested the rapper.
Ross is being processed into the Fayette County Jail. This is the not the first time Ross has been arrested for drugs: he was also arrested in North Carolina June 2014 after failing to appear at a hearing related to a previous misdemeanor marijuana charge.

Stay tuned for more details.

Man Slapped With Pistol at Meek Mill's North Philly Video Shoot
Meek Mill had the streets packed with his North Philly family on set of his music video shoot, and while things seemed to be going positive at the beginning of the day, the mood later soured.

A video surfaced of a large crowd of people gathered around a stoop, and at the 0:44 mark in the above video you can see someone slap a man in the face with a pistol. Rumors were spreading that the victim was rapper Louie V Gutta, who quickly dispelled the talk.

Kelly Rowland Channels The ICONS in a FIERCE Photoshoot!
Kelly Rowland recently rock’d a stunning photoshoot for Mane Addicts. In the Mane Muse Editorial, the “Motivation” songstress was transformed into four iconic beauties of the past – Diana Ross, Sade, Bianca Jagger, and Farida Khelfa Goude.

From a big, curly, textured mane, to a tight, pulled back twist Kelly’s hair underwent four dramatic changes to accomplish the desired looks. Kelly filled her glam squad for the day (Kim Kimble/Hair – Rokael Lizama/Makeup) in on her favorite beauty secret (which helped her tresses withstand the changes). “I use silk scarf! It keeps my hair smooth when I’m sleeping. I also always use a good hair mask.”

Kelly also revealed that when it comes to hair color: “George Papanikolas always colors my hair. I love George! He was actually the first one to take me blonde with my highlights almost a year ago.”
And as for her favorite look from the shoot.. Diana Ross!

Nicki Minaj’s Ex-Fiancé Safaree Samuels Spills Angry Tea saying You Made me Feel like a Fool!
It was only a matter of time before Safaree “SB” Samuels aired his dirty laundry about his break-up with ex-fiancée Nicki Minaj. And since he has been working on launching his own rap career, it’s only right he reflects on their un-coupling on a new track titled “Love The Most.”
The single is expected to drop until June 15th, but TMZ got a hold of a sip-worthy clip of the new track. On the song, Safaree spills hurt tea about Nicki not wanting to have his baby, alleged cheating accusations and how he felt like a fool watching the Young Money raptress kiss rapper Nas in a scene for her “Right By My Side” video.

First, Safaree reminds Nicki that her rise to stardom wasn’t something she did alone…he was the one who was “right by her side” as they made it out the hood. He raps,
“Yea I was mad. In our pictures you’d be smiling but inside I was feeling sad. Did the good outweigh the bad or did the bad outweigh the good? You ain’t do it all alone, we took ourselves up out the hood.”
The Trinidadian rapper then goes on to say he didn’t care about her newfound fame and that he thought Nicki would one day become the mother of his children after being together for 12 years…but as we all now know, that never happened. He says,
“Ion care about the wealth. I ain’t care about your fame. I ain’t care about the flawless VVS’s in your chain. I ain't saying I'm the best no-one will love you like I did. 12 years up in flames thought you would've had my kid. Year three got engaged now we moving out of rage. I ain't never think our book would've ended up on this page.”

Safaree also talks about how he felt like a fool watching his woman share a passionate kiss with rapper Nas in her video “Right By My Side.” He raps,
“Had to watch you kiss Nas and pretend it's all cool. Inside I was feeling like a motherf*king fool. Life revolved around the beat show me a man that won't cheat? Said I was overreacting but you did like...”
Oh…and get this….

He also reveals Nicki was the breadwinner in their relationship and made a reference that the “Pills N Potions” raptress was into popping pills.
“Yeah I know I'm not perfect you was paying all the bills. You remember what you told me when you wasn't on them pills?”

Take a listen:

Response from Nicki or Meek Mill in 5..4..3..2..1.!

Way too much Red Bull buddy. Waaaaay too much.


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