
Erica Campbell: I wish I was But, I wasn't a VIRGIN when I got Married!

Erica Campbell Talks Sexuality in Christianity: I wish I could say that I was a virgin when I got married but I was not. 
If there’s one gospel artist who knows how to bring the gospel to mainstream, it’s artist Erica Campbell. The Cali-bred singer, who is 1/2 of Mary Mary and stars on WeTV’s reality show ‘Mary Mary‘, recently chatted with CNikky.com, spilling all types of sanctified and controversial tea about  her controversial new single, ‘I Luh God'; the shocking news about her and hubby Warryn starting their own church; sexuality in Christianity and more.

While discussing the I Am More Than Pretty movement (that she started with Hollywood couple Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin), Erica had a lot to say about women tearing themselves down, searching for validation, having sex with multiple partners, not owning their sensuality and people being addicted to ‘likes’ on social media.

Peep a few excerpts.

On sexuality and why we constantly tear ourselves down:
I’ve had a lot of heartbreak, I’ve made some wrong decisions.  I wish I could say that I was a virgin when I got married but I was not.  And through a sincere desire to know God, and to know why our super sexualized culture is now the authority and not people of God.  When God created sex! And he created sexuality and sensuality!  I mean we demonize girls with curves, we demonize people who are aware of themselves. This is a God thing! It gives you a different kind of authority and power to walk in a room and be fully aware of who you are and not need someone to go, ‘Ooh you look cute today,’ you should already know that!  That’s not arrogance!
You should feel comfortable when you walk out of the house. 

You shouldn’t look at yourself in the  mirror and only point out your flaws.  You shouldn’t get dressed and the moment someone gives you a compliment you say, ‘Well you know I had to wear spanx! Or, well, this was only $5.  We minimize everything about ourselves. And even women who get married, your husband who married you and wants to be with you, all you do is ask him, ‘Am I too fat?’  ‘Oooh don’t look!,’ ‘Turn the lights out,’, ‘This is too much.’  My husband literally told me the other day, he said “You’re the most beautiful woman on the planet, I don’t want you changing what I think!  Stop pointing out stuff to me!  That’s not what I see when I see you.  I see you as a beautiful curvaceous woman and I want you just the way you are.’ And a lot of times in relationships, whether we’re married or not, that’s what we do.  They see, ‘Oh my God she’s beautiful,’ and we point out all the negatives.”
On Social Media Addiction:
Everything is based on likes.  And depending on how many ‘likes’ I get will determine how much I like myself. We’re obsessed with going [through the phone] ‘Oh how many?’ ‘Oh I only got this many [likes] on this picture.’ ‘Oh she got a lot when she posted her behind, maybe I’ll post mine.’ ‘Oh she gets a lot when she post her titties, maybe I’ll post mine?’ We’re so torn and caught up in this circle and we’re not getting anywhere! So, I wanna talk about it.  I want to be real honest and candid and talk about it.
God made you perfect and beautiful and wonderful and if we embrace that then the enemy can’t fight you as hard as he does.  He can’t trick you to make you think you need validation from someone else. It’s a beast that we feed and we’re feeding it bits and pieces of ourselves.  And we’re dying sometimes at the same time.

You know I’m from Inglewood, so there’s a side to me that you all don’t see very often.  But, i’s very much apart of who I am.  And when I’m just hanging with my girls, I may talk like that! And people are not used to that.  They’re used to very pulled up and polished and singing Yesterday and Help. But, I just wanted to have fun and declare my love for God.  And at the same time reach an audience that I think the Gospel community sometimes ignores.  There is Christian Hip-Hop but I feel that more Caucasian children gravitate to it.  So, I figured, you my people so, let me get with my folks!

On how the song has been received: 
There are some people who don’t like the song and that’s ok.  You can listen to someone else or buy someone else, I won’t even be offended by it! But, I think before you criticize and especially before you criticize publicly…because what that does is make the Christian body look even more divided and more argumentative and at war with each other.  If you know me, or you know someone that knows me, contact me as opposed to posting something ugly or nasty.  Now, you’ve created this conversation and the people that like it are mad and the people that don’t like it are mad and really God gets no Glory out of that. If you take all of the music away, which is the main thing people are mad at, and you just look at the words, you change your total view.
I’m not new to this, I’m not new to criticism.  I’m not new to stepping out on faith and doing things that are different that people don’t understand.  What we have to understand is that this is the enemies #1 tool.  He knows that we’re not going to stop going to church, but if he can get you to go to church and fuss and argue about things, then you can’t hear God’s directive.  You can’t really receive his love because you’re in the wrong spirit.  All he’s really trying to do is distract us from hearing God.  So, if you’re distracted by someone who wears a dress and you don’t like the dress etc. you’ve got to really assess yourself and say ‘What is really going on?’ ‘What do I really have a problem with?’
On how she will manage a full time career as an entertainer and being the first lady of a new church:
The moment he [Warryn] said he was starting a church, I said ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa…are you sure?  You know I just put out a record right?  I have to tour.  How am I going to be back on Sundays?’ So that was a bit of a juggling act and we’re still figuring it out.

And now the interview!
VID #1: 

VID #2:
I do love her honesty! Your Thoughts?

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