
Jay Z & Beyonce Trading L.A for N’awlins’ to have a New Baby?

Jay Z and Beyonce Trading L.A for N’awlins’ to have a New Baby?
Last week chatty real estate agents leaked the news that Jay Z and Beyonce were pulling up stakes in Los Angeles and moving to a recently acquired $2 million home in New Orleans' garden  
Now insiders claim the real reason J&B are leaving LA is to have another baby...

Sources tell Naughty Gossip
“They are looking for a place to raise baby Blue and extend the family. LA was not for them and New York is too difficult. Jay once spoke with Brad Pitt who told him New Orleans was the best city for families (although Brad and Angie just sold their New Orleans home) Plus, they already have family in the area.”

Stay tuned for that Baby Bump!

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