
Mo'Nique & Hubby Poses The For "NOH8" Campaign And as for Lee Daniels???

Mo'Nique & Hubby Poses The For "NOH8" Campaign & has words for Lee Daniels!
Academy-Award winning actress Mo'Nique and her hubby Sidney Hicks are among the latest celebs to tape their mouths shut and stand for marriage, gender and human equality through the NOH8 campaign. The photoshoot (captured by Adam Bouska) plays into the promo for Mo'Nique's latest film Blackbird, in which she produces and stars.

The film focuses on a young singer (Julian Walker) coming to terms with his sexuality in a small Southern Baptist community.  It hits theaters April 24th.

In a joint statement about their involvement, Mo'Nique and Sidney told the Huff Post, "Let us as a world, allow others to be what they had no choice in being. We're a part of the NOH8 campaign because when you say NO to H8, what you're really saying is YES to Love."
In other news, Mo'Nique is still struggling with her "Lee Daniels" issue...in a very public way. As if the numerous interviews and headline clips weren't enough, now she wants to have a public sit-down with Lee.

Not sure what type of brown juice does Sidney has Mo' sippin at night that makes her think Lee will take time out of promoting the hottest tv show on the planet ("Empire") to discuss their issues, but she could always dial his number on a phone.

The statement came about during an interview with Hello Beautiful where Mo'Nique explained that a public conversation wouldn't leave any blurred lines regarding their "differences".
"I no longer have Lee’s phone number but would love to have a conversation with my brother, but we would have to do it publicly because the one’s we’ve had privately –when you then speak about them — you don’t tell what the real conversation was. When a person is saying, I want to do it publicly, does it sound like a person who has something to hide? I don’t bind to the A-list, I don’t bind to the elite. I’m just a regular folk from Baltimore Maryland, who’s living out her dreams. I’m a wife and a mommy and having the time of her life. That can be for the other elite folk, I’m not that."

Alright Lee Daniels.....you've got the next move.

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