
Man Throws Banana Peel At Dave Chappelle In RACIST Attack!

What? Man Throws Banana Peel At Dave Chappelle In Racist Attack!
Comedian Dave Chappelle was attacked last night by a New Mexico man during a performance.  Christian Englander is being accused of throwing a banana at Dave in a racist attack that landed him in jail on battery and disorderly conduct charges.

Witnesses say the comic responded by using the senseless act as material for his show for over an hour, remarking at one point that he wish he could throw a tuna casserole back at the assailant.

One person in attendance says Chappelle and Englander’s exchange started after Chappelle noticed someone in the crowd writing in a notebook in the middle of the show.

“It’s about half way thru Dave’s set and it’s been really good. Dave being hilarious, New Mexicans being dumb and yelling, ‘I’m rich bitch’. Typical. All of a sudden Dave’s face turns. He see’s someone jotting in a notebook and he gets real serious. ‘What are you doing sir? Why would you be writing during the show?’ Dave, I’m sure, thinks the guy is writing down jokes to post online or whatever. It turns out however, the dude is sketching in his notebook. Dave asks him to see it and turns it into a little piece, flipping thru the book.
The crowd eggs him on to sign one of the pics for the guy, and eventually Dave relents. Dave says he’s gonna write a note on another page for the guy, and asks him his name. [The guy says Johnny Appleseed.] Immediately, Dave is like ‘F*ck this. I thought we were having a real conversation’ and quits on the note and gives him the notebook back. As he’s giving the notebook back, this guy in a winter vest and day glow hat sitting next to Appleseed stands up, throws a banana at Dave. Throws it sidearm, and books it for the exit.”

That guy was Englander who authorities say was heavily intoxicated at the time.

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