
Why would Kenya Moore create a campaign tilted “Wives Lives Matter”?

Why would Kenya Moore create such distasteful campaign “Wives Lives Matter”?
There's a budding controversy in Atlanta surrounding a tasteless ad campaign promoting The Real Housewives of Atlanta using the catch phrase 'Black Wives Matter' in a shameless misappropriation of the 'Black Lives Matter' rallying cry used for the police brutality movement sweeping across the country.

Now the company behind the ads claim they were hired by Kenya Moore…
After the ads began popping up around Atlanta Bravo quickly released a statement assuring fans they had nothing to do with the tasteless rouge ads while a group claiming to be responsible imply they were hired by Kenya Moore.

A letter of apology sent to Reality Tea reads as follows
“To whom it may concern,
We would like to start by apologizing for our involvement in the Black Wives Matter Bravo TV Real Housewives of Atlanta posters. This was never supposed to happen the way it did. We are part of a design team from Chicago that also works out of New York City. We were hired by who we believe was a representative of Ms. Kenya Moore in early December to design and print these posters.

We are deeply sorry for propagating social injustice and pain in America. We are coming out about this because it has conflicted with our morals as a multi-racial design team. Major corporations and celebrities continue to exploit our culture for economic gain and as designers need to begin to stand our ground.
Unfortunately through the Atlanta team’s manipulation techniques they are attempting to gain recognition through controversy and we feel this is immoral. This must stop NOW. Bravo and their affiliates must be held accountable because they continue to promote bad role models and distract our culture of the critical issues facing our country.

To prove it was us we attached the original .PSD file with all the separate image layers. The posters were sent early Jan to a PO box in Atlanta. We do not know who put them up or where but we sent 50 total. We are trying to stop the rest from being put up. We are deeply sorry to anyone this hurt or angered. Again, we cannot apologize enough for allowing this period of cultural havoc to break down our already fragile society.”
No shade this is TACKY! And to add Kenya YOU'RE NOT A WIFE!

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