
Michael Brown Subject Of Racist Song At Charity Event!

Michael Brown Subject Of Racist Song At Charity Event!

Michael Brown, the unarmed teen that was gunned down in Ferguson, Mo. by officer Darren Wilson, was the subject of a tasteless parody song at a charity event. Last week in California, a performer at the event performed a song celebrating Brown’s death in front of retired and current cops.
TMZ unleashed video of the performance from Elks Lodge in Glendale. The event, which took place last week was part of a charity golf event thrown by retired LAPD officer Joe Meyer. The individual who sang the song was not a police officer, but was a former federal investigator.

More from TMZ: Singer Gary Fishell is a P.I. who once worked as an investigator for the Federal Government. His lawyer tells TMZ, Fishell now realizes the song was “off color and in poor taste.” The lawyer adds, “He’s a goofball who writes funny songs.” We asked why Fishell would sing this in a room full of cops, and the lawyer replied, “He thought the room would get a kick out of it.”
Joe Myers tells TMZ, “How can I dictate what he [Fishell] says in a song?” Myers goes on, “This is America. We can say what we want. This is a free America.” Myers adds … he’s done this as an annual event for decades and has raised a lot of money for charity.
Someone who was at the event videotaped it because they were offended by the song and upset no one was objecting.
Watch the tasteless Michael Brown parody song below.

A trustee from the Lodge spoke with TMZ and condemned Fishell’s song, adding that officials will take action against him. The trustee stated that the Lodge does not stand for racism and many members were appalled by the act.

I'll believe it when I see it!

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