
Don Lemon who is Charles Wade and why is he Spilling Your TEAS?

Ummm, Don Lemon who is Charles Wade and why is Spilling Your TEAS?
Well Hold on because I’m going to need something else for this TEA! 

I see Don Lemon has truly gotten under someone’s skin, so much so that they’re exposing him for the fraud that he is…. A guy by the name of Charles Wade who’s a well known stylist in the industry, has been very vocal about the events in Ferguson. A week ago,Charles tweeted that even though Don Lemon talks real high siditty, anti-thug , downing black people when he has the chance on national T.V………Charles states that he gets down in a different way privately.

He tweeted this last week:
He then followed up with pictures of Don Lemon high as a kite, throwing up gang signs… Grabbing his crotch….
Well I don’t know Charles Wade but honey these churren is dragging Donita J down the street.But what is up with these pics of him drunk as hell looking ‘thuggish’.

Now wait Donita Jo Lemon, You're the one always talking about Black folks this and Black folks that. Pull up your pants stop sagging and then you're looking like this?????????


1 comment:

  1. And Charles Wade was arrested and charged with 7 counts of human trafficking and prostitution of a minor in Baltimore on April 26, 2016..looks like Mr. Lemon gets the last laugh.
