

Apollo Nida Speaks Out From Prison
It’s been two months since Apollo began his 8-year sentence for Fraud and Identity Theft, but now he’s speaking out about life behind bars how he betrayed his family, and what’s in store for the future with his wife Phaedra Parks.

According to Bravo TV
“I’m not the best husband…I know I let a lot of people down” he tells In Touch in an exclusive interview (on newsstands this Friday). “But I can say that Phaedra is the best wife and mom and that my children are in good hands with her.”

Apollo also reveals that he’s optimistic for the couple’s future, saying, “I’m hopeful that we can stick things out.” Phaedra, however, may have a different idea: her rep tells the magazine that “the divorce is proceeding as planned.” (The Atlanta Housewife revealed her intent to file last month.) For now, Apollo is focused on rehabilitating himself at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky: “There are all walks of life here,” he says. “I keep to myself.” But he hopes the time will do him some good. “When I get out, it’s pedal to the metal. I want to be a motivational speaker and stay on the right side of the law.”

He also hopes to rebuild his relationship with his two sons, Ayden and Dylan. “There’s a plan to get them up here [to visit me],” he says. “At this point, I don’t care about anything else except getting my life back on track. I know for a fact that when I get home, I will pick up the pieces." 

He also talked about the Kenya confession. Well since that Kenya felt she was owed an apology from that from Phaedra and Apollo. We got Apollo's take, However as far as Phaedra is concerned If Kenya Moore thinks she's going to get an apology from Phaedra Parks after Apollo admitted he's been lying about her propositioning him for sex for two years she can forget it…

In this weeks Bravo blog Phaedra downplays Apollo's admission and says her only focus is her children.
Bravotv.com: What went through your head during the scene where Apollo said he lied about seeing Kenya in LA?

PP: I was unmoved. Right now, I am completely focused on my children and keeping them, and myself for that matter, in a stable, healthy, and happy place. I am not paying attention to any of the chaos that is going on, because it’s not productive.


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