
HUH? HIV-Positive Woman Attempts To Rob Walmart With Her Blood!

SAY WHAT? HIV-Positive Woman Attempts To Rob Walmart With Her Blood
An HIV-positive woman from Dallas woman gave her local Walmart quite a scare when she risked an assault with a deadly weapon charge by trying to infect one of the store’s employees with her blood.
Police say 25-year-old Diamond Lawrence tried to run off with $11 worth of frozen TV dinners and when caught red-handed, the situation got incredulous to say the least.

“I can infect whomever I please,” she allegedly told the employee who followed her outside before striking him on the neck in attempts to draw blood to pass on her incurable virus. During the attack, she repeatedly told the worker “You’re welcome,” sarcastically outlining her dark deed. Lawrence was also wearing a medical wristband that identified her as being HIV-positive, so this incident was no bluff.
Dallas-Fire Rescue medics on the scene told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth that no bodily fluids between the employee and Lawrence were exchanged, however. In an ironic chain of events, Walmart doesn’t press charges when it comes to petty theft but Dallas police were able to bust Lawrence on two outstanding arrest warrants for public intoxication and possessing an invalid driver’s license.

This chick is CRAZY!

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