
The Daily Buzz For Oct 9

Charlie Hunnam On “Sons Of Anarchy” & “Fifty Shades Of Grey”
Charlie Hunnam has a lot of time on his hands considering his critically acclaimed FX show, Sons Of Anarchy, is ending soon. So while he was shooting the cover for Entertainment Weekly he sat down with the magazine and discussed the show, the controversy over turning down the role of Fifty Shades Of Grey, and what he plans to do next after the show ends. Click after the heartbeat to read a few highlights of the interview…
Entertainment Weekly Reports:

In this week’s EW cover story (read it online), Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam discusses his brotherly, head-butting relationship with show creator Kurt Sutter, the difficult decision Sutter faces in how Jax will respond if/when he learns Gemma (Katey Sagal) is the one who killed Tara (Maggie Siff), how he’d write Jax’s fate, and the kind of afterlife he hopes FX’s top-rated show will have following its Dec. 9 series finale. Here’s more of our conversation about season 7 of Sons, his decision not to do Fifty Shades of Grey, and the three movies he hopes to film next.

EW: Back in August, Kurt told EW that he believes two club members will die this season. Did that relatively low number surprise you?
Hunnam: There just are not that many club members left. If you want there to actually be a Sons of Anarchy at the center of Sons of Anarchy storylines, you can’t really kill anyone else, or else we need to start patching new members in at a very fast rate. For me, this show has always been about the Sons. I have a wonderful time working with Katey [Sagal], I loved with all my heart working with Maggie [Siff], and they’re obviously incredibly important characters. But to me, what has made this show so special is the brotherhood and the boys. It’s incredibly painful for me every time we lose one of the guys. As we get closer to the end and this little club has kinda become somewhat real to me, I just hope that there’s enough of the original guys [left] that we have a sense that this thing will continue once we stop watching their lives. I would love, at the end of the show, for a sense that the club is in tact and gonna move forward, but I don’t know if ultimately that will be the case or not.

What excites you about where the season is headed?
Jax’s psychology and where he finds himself in processing all of this. Because I think there’s a somewhat dishonest, easy default place that he’s allowed himself to settle into where it’s all about vengeance. His moral compass is gone, so he doesn’t have to answer or think about it: He’s an outlaw, and this is the way he his, and that’s just the f–king reality of it now, and everyone better f–king like it, you know. And that’s just total f–kin’ bulls–t because that’s not who he is. He’s a soulful guy, and he’s a real thinker, and I don’t think he’s giving himself the opportunity to really mourn Tara’s loss in a way that’s significant. Killing innocent Chinese men or guilty Chinese men or anyone is not gonna be the answer. We’re getting into that place now where there’s much more of an honest kind of reflection and exploration of what he’s doing, and who he is, and how this means manifested or was catalyzed by him seeing the perpetuation of this cycle in his children. I think that’s a really smart, beautiful way to hold the mirror up to Jax in Tara’s absence—with this children. That has been really, really lovely, satisfying stuff to play towards the end of the season.

If we didn’t have six seasons of affection for Jax, hearing him tell Jury his plan to destroy Henry Lin and kill all the Chinese would be tough to swallow. When he tells Jury that he has no vision behind revenge, it’s like, “Bobby, are you hearing this? Why is the club following a man who admits he has no vision?”
I know. The guys playing those characters struggled with that a little bit in the moment. It didn’t necessarily feel like it was the instinct that they’d come to know from those characters to behave that way. We just all had to bear in mind through those moments that it was gonna go somewhere. It’s supported by pretty easily understandable psychology: They know Jax. They know how much Tara meant to him. The way I was thinking about it, almost from their point of view, is, “We know this is f–ked. We know this is probably gonna cause some pretty tumultuous [monstrosities] to come, but ultimately this is what this kid needs, so we’re just gonna support him because this is his darkest moment.” I think that resolve to follow me blindly definitely gets reduced and reduced to the point where there has to be a little bit of a come-to-Jesus moment amongst us.

Switching gears, you’ve opened up recently about your decision not to do Fifty Shades of Grey [he was driving himself crazy thinking about being ready to step into Christian's suits 48 hours after wrapping Sons' season 6 finale, and a delayed start wouldn't have helped him because was committed to shooting Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak right after Fifty]. How did you get through the media storm? Just radio silence?
Yeah, it was radio silence. It was a very difficult position that I put myself in, and that I put the studio in, because of course, those type of things are like red rag to a bull to a lot of bloggers and reviewers. There was a whirlwind of speculation that went around it, and I just feel like I’m happy to do interviews to promote projects and to get the word out there and stuff, but I don’t feel as though I really owe anyone an explanation on the things I do. It’s very personal to me, and every decision I make comes from my heart. There’s nothing ever monetarily or fame-seeking or any of the other motivations that sometimes go hand-in-hand with this profession. To me, it’s just not like that. I’m on [Laughs] a journey of self-discovery and trying to avoid total existential crisis. That’s the kind of operating zone that I’m approaching this business from. And so it was very painful, and it was very difficult. I was worried that the wrong perception would come out, which is what happened—it was all about that I got cold feet, or that I didn’t have faith in the movie, or that I didn’t like the script, and all this f–king bulls–t. Anybody that knows the process of actors with integrity going about choosing roles knew that all of those questions would have been answered in the very first meeting and that had any of that actually been the case, I would have not gotten myself in the situation in the first place. So it was a little bit annoying and a little bit painful, and I really was just so sad for Sam [Taylor-Johnson], the director, because I absolutely adore her, and I gave her my word and committed to going on this journey with her. It’s been many years that I’ve been in this business. All of a sudden, I’m getting all of these wonderful people approaching me and asking me to work with them. It’s very hard to say no when you love and respect people. I just kind of made a bit of a rookie mistake in that one in biting off more than I could chew.

Looking ahead, when I was on the Sons set, director Charles Murray had gotten some of the SAMCRO guys Burger Crown crowns to wear to celebrate your casting in Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur project. That’s next for you?
We’re not gonna start shooting until mid-February. But there’s two and a half months of dialect coaching, sword fighting, horse training, fight training—all of that kind of stuff that I want to do.
And the reason to do that is to work with Guy?
One hundred percent, Guy. But also, I gotta say, Arthurian legend did play a big part in my childhood. In particular, the film Excalibur was definitely one of those films that was instrumental in me realizing that I wanted to become an actor. So it kinda feels like one of those full circle type of moments.
You also told me on set the one thing you won’t miss about Sons is working 16-hour days in the sun. Now you’re also attached to the adaptation of the romantic survival story The Mountain Between Us, about two strangers whose plane goes down in the wilderness with temperatures hovering in the teens.
I’ll probably be very, very quickly missing the heat of Sons once I get out into those Arctic conditions for a couple of weeks. But that’s a project that I’ve been pursuing and watching from the sidelines for several years now. Beautiful script, and it’s been a few different incarnations with a couple different directors. I had been attached to it once before with one director, and then he ended up falling out. So long story short, they got this new director that I absolutely adore, and so I went and pursued it and now they’ve attached me.

You’re also attached to A Prayer Before Dawn.
I’ll go to Thailand and do that tiny, tiny, tiny little indie, which is based on an amazing true story about this guy Billy Moore. He was an English kid who grew up an abject poverty and channeled all of his energy into fighting. He was a real contender, and then got into drugs at 17 and f–ked it all up, threw it all away. Cut to 10 years later, at 27, he goes to Thailand to try to clean up. Gets his act together, fights for a year in Muay Thai exhibition fights. This is all the backstory. You meet him the night he relapses and within 48 hours of relapsing, he’s been caught with a massive amount of methamphetamine and got sentenced to probably the worst prison in the world. They call it the Bangkok Hilton. And so it’s a prison story about his journey. Within the Thai prison [system], they operate an incentive scheme that dictates if the prisoners don’t get into any trouble at all whilst inside, they can have access to the gym. If they’re fighting in the gym every day, then they qualify to take part in the annual prison Muay Thai tournament—the winner of which gets a royal pardon and walks out of the prison that night. He took part in three of these fighting tournaments….I got to do a lot of Muay Thai fighting, so now is the time to start getting very, very fit.
That segues into this odd question: When I was on set, you mentioned that you bring three eggs with you every day. Since then I stumbled across an article that said you bought a ranch with chickens last year. Are those eggs from your own chickens?

I absolutely just lost my mind last year. I had some big personal stuff going in my life, and I think it just threw me off balance and I decided I was gonna buy a ranch, I was gonna take Fifty Shades of Grey and every other movie that I got offered all at the same time, and then I had something of a nervous breakdown and had to pull out of all of it. So I didn’t end up buying that ranch. Literally, I had an hour until my, like, [Laughs] six-figure deposit was no longer refundable. When I say I pulled out at the 11th hour, I really did. That sucks. That sucks for everyone involved.

Michelle Obama Brings Her First Lady Loveliness to Redbook’s November 2014 Cover
Amidst all of her official duties, Michelle Obama still managed to make time to appear on the cover of Redbook magazine’s November 2014 edition.
The fabulous First Lady chatted with the publication about just how important it is for armed service vets to have access to post-duty training for the civilian side of life.
"I have been promoting education period, because that is the way the world is going. On the other hand, veterans shouldn’t have to wait for a job. So one of our biggest challenges is, how do you take so many years of on-the-ground experience and compare that with a degree that may have nothing to do with the work?”
As for her post-White House plans to help veterans find jobs, Obama explained, “I want to continue to lift up these stories so that the country doesn’t forget. And my hope is that whoever lives in this White House in the coming years will find a way to continue these efforts [and make them] a permanent part of the government role. We believe that efforts of Joining Forces should last far beyond this administration; that, you know the spotlight we put on these families, these issues and our services members should be something that we do forever and across party lines.”
Michelle also explained that she’d be delighted if her daughters decided to join the armed forces. “I would support them in whatever they chose to do and I be honored to be a proud Blue Star mom.”

Eva Marcille, Emily B., Meelah Williams, Michel Sproles & MORE POSE It Up In Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign For The Pink Line
October is all about bring awareness to those affected by breast cancer. And a few singers, reality stars and NFL wife Michel Sproles have teamed up for the final reveal of The Pink Line Breast Cancer Awareness Photo Campaign.

Eva Marcille, Emily B., Meelah Williams, Angel Conwell (not pictured above but pictured here), RaVaughn, Miss Diddy, breast cancer survivor Shondia McFadden and breast cancer survivor/founder of The Pink Line Michel Sproles are all standing together in the fight against breast cancer. And they are looking uber fab while doing so.

Michel Sproles, breast cancer survivor and wife of Philadelphia Eagles’ running back, Darren Sproles, created The Pink Line after she was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer at the age of 28. In an effort to help bring awareness to a disease affecting women of our demographic, Michel created The Pink Line to encourage young, African American women to know their bodies and be proactive when it comes to their breast health. As the founder and a breast cancer survivor herself, she wants every woman to know that Age Doesn’t Define Your Status (A.D.D.Y.S), so it’s extremely important to know your status...at any age.
Proceeds from sales of The Pink Line will go towards making wigs and hair units for cancer patients and survivors. So ladies, let’s get proactive and get checked!

Walmart Cuts Health Insurance For Thousands of Workers
Meet the Waltons heirs to Sam Walton’s Wal-Mart fortune, america’s largest employer, announced that it will stop providing health insurance for around 30,000 part time workers, in order to cut costs. They are worth collectively over $140 BILLION dollars, so if they wanted to help and pitch in for health care cost for their workers, they could… Instead they are taking away coverage and selling it back to them.
According to Gawker.com
In a corporate blog post with the Orwellian headline “Providing Quality Health Benefits for Our Associates,” a WM executive wrote, “We will continue to provide affordable health care to all eligible associates, including part-time, who work more than 30 hours. However, similar to other retailers like Target, Home Depot, Walgreens and Trader Joe’s, we will no longer be providing health benefits to part-time associates who work less than 30 hours. This will impact about 2% of our total U.S. workforce”
Imagine if you were a Walmart employee working 28 hours per week right now. Imagine what choices you face right now.

A couple of quick thoughts:
1. Employees tend to work fewer than 30 hours not because that is all they want to work, but because that is all the hours the company will give them, because companies do not want to allow workers to go full time.

2. Walmart has enough extra cash to raise employee salaries by 50% if it wanted to. Health insurance for 30,000 workers costs only a small percentage of this.
3. Four members of the Walton family, who inherited the Walmart fortune, are together worth more than $140 billion. If they were so inclined, these four people could pay the $500 million increase in Walmart’s employee health insurance costs (covering 100,000 new workers) for the next 280 years.


Oh? Former NFL Running Back Larry Johnson ARRESTED for attacking his Male Friend!
Larry Johnson was arrested and charged (mugshot above) with aggravated battery charges early this morning, according to ESPN. It appears the arrest stems from an altercation that went down outside of the Delano Hotel on South Beach, resulting in the former star running back allegedly cutting a man with a broken bottle!  Yes, a glass from a bottle!
It’s reported he was booked in the Miami-Dade county jail at 7:33am this morning and was being held on a $7,500 bail, which he has since posted and been released.

The alleged victim (who wanted to remain anonymous) allegedly spoke with TMZ and shared pictures of the graphic wound he suffered after Larry supposedly attacked him with a liquor bottle. Peep the gruesome pics here if you're interested.
He also claims he has never met Larry before the altercation and has NO idea why he came after him in the first place.

The alleged victim told the publication,
"He wailed on me for a good two minutes before security came over. I couldn’t get back up on my feet – so it wasn’t even a fight. He just wailed on me – and used a tall broken vodka glass that got knocked over when I fell down [to attack me]."

He added, "I was able to cover my face – but I’m covered in cuts on the side of my neck, cut the back of my hand, and had to get 7 stitches for the gash on my arm."

Larry has a slew of criminal charges and a history of domestic violence. In 2012, he was arrested and charged with one count of felony domestic battery for allegedly choking out his ex-girlfriend to the point of unconsciousness in a room at the Bellagio hotel. He has a criminal record spanning from 2003-2008 of four arrests stemming from battery of women and DV allegations. Plus, he was sued about three years ago for allegedly beating up a man on Miami Beach. And it seems he’s still up to no good in Miami. Sighs…

The 34-year-old baller as been romantically linked to a few celeb chicks. He was once engaged to former “Empire Girls” star/Steve Madden spokeswoman Julissa Bermudez back in 2008. Then he allegedly hooked up with singer Chilli in 2009 and by 2010 was in a relationship with singer Mya.

This guy…..

The ANCYL in Capetown wants Nicki Minaj to give back their Money
I wonder who Nicki Minaj pissed off, because she’s been getting alot of flack lately, a youth league wants Nicki Minaj to pay back the money she received for her planned performance at a festival in Capetown, SA. It appears that they canceled due to low ticket sales.

According to News24.com
As per her contract, the American rapper got to keep the R10m deposit she was paid for the cancelled gig.

According to a report by Eyewitness News (EWN) on Tuesday, the ANCYL in Tshwane is now demanding that Minaj pay back the non-refundable deposit.
Channel24 reported in September that the inaugural music festival had been cancelled at the last moment after organisers blamed the City of Tshwane for not delivering the infrastructure development required to host the festival.
The City of Tshwane denied these allegations and said they did everything necessary to ensure the festival went ahead.
According to City Press, the concert, which would have been held from 26 – 28 September, sold just 4 000 tickets.

I guess they are trying to blame her for low ticket sales, but it’s not her fault and it appears they had to cancel because of it. When converted into US dollars they paid her a little over $900K.. Oh well…

Rev. Al Sharpton cuts ties with longtime collaborator, attorney Sandy Rubenstein, as rape claim investigators find sex toy
The Rev. Al Sharpton pulled the plug on his longtime collaboration with Sanford Rubenstein in the wake of accusations that the civil rights lawyer raped one of the reverend’s most-trusted National Action Network advisers.
Less than a week after Rubenstein was part of the star-studded crowd toasting the reverend’s 60th birthday, he was out in the cold and feeling the sting of Sharpton’s sharp tongue.

“Even if it was consensual, why would he take a key leader of our organization back to his apartment right after a fund-raiser,” an angry Sharpton told the Daily News. “It's disrespectful to our movement, and the women in our network are absolutely outraged."
Rubenstein, who looked disheveled at his home in the Hamptons on Tuesday morning, couldn’t be reached for comment on his ouster from Sharpton’s circle. Word of the separation came as The News reported that police found a sex toy in Rubenstein’s swanky apartment and were checking it — along with bloody condoms found by the lawyer’s bed — against a DNA swab to see if it was used to violate the woman.
The woman was still bleeding when a rape kit was administered at the hospital, sources said.
 “I will not comment on any aspect of the investigation or any of the alleged facts reported in the press, even those I know to be patently false,” Rubenstein’s lawyer Benjamin Brafman said, when asked about the reported sex toy.
Rubenstein’s accuser was spotted in Brooklyn — after leaving the Manhattan district attorney’s office — holding a booklet she got from the hospital titled “After Sexual Assault: A Recovery Guide for Survivors.” She covered her face with dark clothing.
“She’s fighting to keep her life together, keep her dignity, and not fall apart,” Kenneth Montgomery, one of her lawyers, told The News.

The accuser’s father also weighed in. “This has been traumatic for her and traumatic for us,” he said.
In an interview with The News, Sharpton said he wasn’t waiting for prosecutors to rule on Rubenstein. The lawyer, with whom he stood arm-in-arm at countless protests and referred to as Brother Sanford for 17 years, is out.
“I don’t foresee one,” Sharpton said when asked if he envisions a day when Rubenstein would be welcomed back. “He has no future.”
The 42-year-old woman Rubenstein allegedly attacked was “not just some name on our board,” Sharpton added.
A business executive and high-ranking official at the National Action Network, she is “an important figure in our organization and well-liked by everyone,” Sharpton said.
The accusations against the 70-year-old Rubenstein placed Sharpton in quite the predicament — and not just because the alleged attack happened last Wednesday after the reverend’s birthday bash at the pricey Four Seasons restaurant.

Sharpton closed the book on an unlikely alliance that began back in 1997 with the infamous Abner Louima police brutality case. At the time, Rubenstein was a wealthy but little-known Rockland County legislator who was hired by Louima’s family after the Haitian immigrant was arrested and sodomized by cops in a Brooklyn police precinct stationhouse.
Sharpton was a civil rights leader with a checkered history and a figure widely reviled by the city's powerbrokers.
Rubenstein eventually secured an $8.7 million settlement against the city in the Louima case. He then went on to a series of high-profile police abuse and wrongful death lawsuits, often working hand-in-hand with Sharpton.

While Rubenstein was derided for his penchant for stretch limos and flashy suits, and burnished a reputation as a party hound and womanizer, he also gave Sharpton’s organization some serious legal firepower when it went to bat for police abuse victims.
Rubenstein represents the family of Eric Garner, who died after a cop put him in a chokehold on Staten Island in July. Sharpton has met with the Garner family to reassure them that they remain committed to the case. And on Tuesday the family announced its intention to sue the city for $75 million in damages.
Although Rubenstein is still officially the family’s attorney, it’s likely now someone from his law firm will be handling the case while he battles the rape allegations.
 “He was useful to me and I was useful to him," Sharpton said, "but we were never in the same political bed."
Rubenstein returned to the scene of the alleged crime — his Upper East Side apartment — late Tuesday after a meeting with Brafman.

Rubenstein contends he and his accuser had consensual sex at his $7 million penthouse pad on E. 64th St. And when they woke up the next morning, a source close to Rubenstein claims, they had sex again.
Attorney Keith White escorts the woman believed to be Sandy Rubenstein's alleged rape victim. She was covered in black clothing head to toe as she walked from her apartment to his car.
 Police, however, are investigating allegations that Rubenstein took advantage of the woman. They are treating the case as a possible third-degree rape, meaning the alleged victim was incapable of giving consent, sources said.
The accuser, who concedes she had been drinking, says she awakened to find the lawyer assaulting her and that he used an object of some kind to penetrate her.
Montgomery said his client also met with Martha Bashford, who heads the sex crimes unit.
"I have indicted and prosecuted cases with less evidence," he said, when asked about the case against Rubenstein.
Meanwhile, a knowledgeable source who has seen security video from Rubenstein’s building said that — contrary to earlier reports — the accuser showed no sign of being intoxicated.
Investigators collecting evidence from the apartment belonging to Sandford Rubenstein on Monday. A sex toy was retrieved from the residence, sources said.  Richard Harbus for New York Daily News Other evidence relating to the alleged attack was also removed from Rubenstein’s home.  Richard Harbus for New York Daily News More of the potentially incriminating evidence.  
“The video won’t shed any light on what happened in Mr. Rubenstein's bedroom or apartment,” Montgomery fired back. “I think that is another red herring.” With Shayna Jacobs

Christina Milian Shave Her Head For Lil Wayne
Christina Milian goes all out to show her express her love for Lil Wayne!
When rumors spread that Christina Milian and Lil Wayne were expecting a new baby. Obviously, that’s not the case but the two still have something steamy going on. What else would make Milian; the YMCMB recording artist, shave the back of her head with the letters TNT: Tina N Tunechi (nicknames of course). It’s not as drastic as getting a tattoo though! Makes you wonder what exactly their relationship entails.
Celebrating her birthday Christina  received the cutest TNT necklace! Check out the picture below!
Ol Girl is nuts!

T.I. Goes In On DC WKYS Radio Host Over Rumor About His Cancelled Show (Instagram)
ATL Rapper T.I. recently had a few choice words for a Washington, D.C. radio host who entertained a story from a fan about why his recent show in the Chocolate City was cancelled. The story, as told by WKYS radio host Brittany Waters of “Tonight’s Tea With Britt”, goes as follows:

During my show, #ItsBrittShow on 93.9 WKYS in DC. I have a segment called Tonight’s Tea With Britt where I let my listners call in and tell me about their night.
I had a caller tell me she attended T.I.’s show at The Howard Theatre and she saw one of his hypemen on stage have a seizure which canceled the performance. 

Uh Oh?

Brittany later took to her Instagram page with a brief blurb about the fan’s story.
And T.I responded

Mayweather Makes $1.8 Million On NFL Bets (Instagram)
Floyd Mayweather just can’t lose. The champion boxer showed off two receipts from recent bets he made, totaling a whopping $1,825,714. Both bets were placed on recent NFL games, but the biggest win came from when the Colts overtook the Jaguars 44-17, netting Mayweather a cool $1.4 million.

Reports Vlad: He made a smaller, yet still impressive, bet on the Seahawks when they went up against the Redskins on Monday, and waked away with $420,000.

now…Hit below to see Floyd’s punched tickets.


Was It From Booby Or Birdman? Keyshia Cole Posts Bribe Money On Instagram
Keyshia Cole has been going through it in the past year or so. Her marriage is ending, rather publicly, though neither of them have filed for divorce, and then most recently she got into a fight with another woman over Birdman. Poor Keyshia. It’s always something.

But by the looks of her Instagram, Keyshia might have had enough of the shenanigans from the men with whom she’s been romantically linked.
A few days ago, she posted this wad of cash on her Instagram page. As these things usually go, it was the caption that told the deeper story.
Well do!

SERIOUSLY?!? Lace Front Beard Photos Cause Shock & Outrage Online 
Beards have become a huge trend these days, thanks to A-listers like Ben Affleck and Common rocking impressive facial hair, but not everyone is so follicularly blessed. For those who have trouble getting that thick and full look, lace front beards are gaining in popularity and have made an appearance in mainstream media.

Photos of the glue-on facial hair started coming in waves on Twitter, with most of the images originating from an episode of America’s Next Top Model. A contestant named Denzel got a beard weave on the show, and it seems that the images have sparked another wave of controversy.
As a member…telling you as a card carrying member of the Beard gang I will personally snatch, remove and otherwise destroy any dude I ever catch wearing a lacefront beard.You can’t fake the real.

Chris Bosh Is Salty When It Comes To LeBron James
The 2014-2015 NBA season is all set to kick off at the end of the month and this summer’s offseason has been rather fruitful for some, tumultuous for others.
LeBron James’ return to the Cleveland Cavaliers (not to mention Ray Allen’s possible addition) has left a big question mark on top of the Miami Heat’s ability to return to the NBA Finals. Where as Dwyane Wade gave his former teammate his heartfelt blessings, Chris Bosh isn’t as forthcoming with his sentiment towards the man whom he won two championships with.

In fact, he sounds rather salty when his name is brought up.
When asked by ESPN reporters whether or not he had spoken with LBJ since his second free agency decision, Bosh was said to give a matter-of-factly sharp “No” in response. He then pledged his allegiance to his team and expressed how his primal focus was to see his team thrive with the loss of their leader.

“I’m in the mode where I’m trying to lead my team, help these guys out around here,” he said. “If guys aren’t in this locker room, I don’t have much time for them — if any.”
Although those were bold statements for a player who weathered the storm of falling short to a three-peat championship run, Bosh insisted it wasn’t any beef behind his stance.
“Everybody’s going to hype it up, and it’s going to be a big deal,” he continued. “But for us, it’s just another opportunity to get better. We know everything that’s surrounding the situation, and it is what it is. As far as we’re concerned, this is our team, this is what we’re trying to build toward, the past is the past, we’re moving on, and it’s good to get this out of the way.”

We shall see when the Miami Heat square off against the Cleveland Cavaliers on Christmas Day.

MAC Reveals New Scary Line Of Make-Up
e MAC Cosmetics are known for their innovative and bold approach to the world of beauty. Just in time for Halloween, the cosmetic power-house has released a collection of intense shades and products specifically designed to help customers recreate looks from one of the greatest classical horror movies ever: The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

The Magenta Look Inspired By The Collection
2015 marks the 40th anniversary for the film and what other way to pay tribute than to transform yourself into one of your favorite characters from the musical?  If you’ve never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show, don’t let that stop you! You will still enjoy this collection.

The line includes deep gothic color lipsticks, sparkly glitter, heavy black shades of liner and even nail polish with multi-changing pearls!
Products from the collection
We love this concept and more importantly the products. Its fun, flirty and perfect for the Fall!

Get it at all  MAC Stores. You can also order online here.

Ohhh Yeeeaaahhhh!
Going out in public lookin’ like the Kool-Aid Man’s side piece. Not good.


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