
TEA SIPS: What is the REAL REASON Latavia left Destiny’s Child?

What is the REAL REASON Latavia left Destiny’s Child?
LaTavia Roberson has publicly stated she was kicked out of Destiny's Child over her objections to being personally managed by Mathew Knowles. But it seems that she may have been telling a little white lie? 
According to a blogger who is also an Entertainment Attorney at Crazy Days and Nights
Mr. X Blind Items Revealed
Which former member of that '90s R&B group has privately told friends that she was kicked out after she refused to accept the sexual advances of their manager, who also happened to be the father of the group's main member?

HMMMM, With Matthew’s latest actions this couldn't be hard to believe. But I would totally believe it if it was LeToya Luckett! What say Thou?

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