
Project Runway Designer Michael Costello calls someone a N*GGER?

Project Runway Fashion Designer Michael Costello calls someone a N*GGER?
 “Project Runway” designer Michael Costello (who has created designs for celebs such as Beyonce, Ashanti and Tamar Braxton to name a few) is responding to racial slur allegations allegedly made by the designer responding to a commenter on Instagram.

A little backstory…. Budding designer Maxine James (creating looks for her Ellaé Lisqué line) took to Instagram recently to air out her frustrations upon learning Michael Costello allegedly stole her design. Apparently, Michael purchased a dress she designed and posted a picture of it on his IG without crediting her, passing it off as his own design.

In an IG post Maxine wrote (and deleted):

“When I received pymt from @mtcostello @michaelcostello a week ago I was lost for words… excited but a TAD confused … I called wubs like ‘wow my favorite designer just purchased a dress from me wow he wants a dress from little ol me?!’ Like this man makes dresses for freakin BEYONCE and he just bought a dress from me!” a week later This happens he literally bought my EXACT dress … Put it on HIS model took pictures in HIS showroom as if he designed this piece his self.

It’s so disheartening I couldn’t help but shed a tear… Him as a designer should know first hand how heart breaking it is for ppl to take something you worked so hard on …..It’s like why? Who does that? I mean we ALL get inspired from some where but it is completely unfair to take someone’s EXACT design and EXACT dress at that and claim it as your own…. @michaelcostello You are already a well-known designer you design dresses for TOP celebrities… Why would you do something so low?

I put so much into my brand … I eat sleep breath it… I paid for so many mistakes while making this design I went through so much to make it perfect …for it to fit perfectly… patterns..grading …cut… Production …photo shoots ALL OF THAT and you literally take my EXACT DRESS and claim it as your own … I tried to reach out to you and you block me ? Like seriously … It’s extremely disheartening I TRUELY did look up to you as a designer…you were one of my favorites….I hope this lasts you for a life time … because God will never continue to bless someone who does evil malicious things like this…. Period.”

And Michael Costello's sister Stephanie, who is also his creative partner, responded:

“There has been a recent accusation that MT Costello posted a picture on our Instagram account of a dress that was purchased from another designer. The image was later reposted by the same designer and included a caption stating we had bought the dress and were attempting to rebrand it as our own. As the co-designer of MT Costello, I feel it is important to address this matter and provide an explanation to all affected by the issue. I, Stephanie Costello, purchased the garment in question due to the apparent similarities between it and a gown that Michael Costello and I designed that was posted on social media over a year ago.

Regretfully, my emotions became involved when the dress arrived and, driven by frustration, proceeded to photograph the dress on a model in our showroom as a sarcastic and inappropriate attempt to expose the designer’s garment as a forged duplication of our own. I did not, nor ever intended to sell the item as a MT Costello product. As a business we take duplicated work very seriously as it affects our ability to support employees, interns and families. Michael and I work diligently on our gowns adding signature cuts and silhouettes unique to the MT Costello brand.

As designers we grow attached to our creations and I reacted emotionally before considering the effect it would have on the public and the brand. I realize that my attempt to expose the designer and the garment was extremely unprofessional and for that I apologize. I ask for your understanding and forgiveness for my emotionally driven reaction. I have learned a valuable lesson from this experience and fully intend to address similar situations in the future more professionally. Sincerely, Stephanie Costello.”

Fans started to criticize Michael for the alleged theft and that’s when Michael allegedly responded to a commenter, allegedly calling them a “n*gger” while name dropping Beyonce. He allegedly wrote:
“Your Just probably a dumb n*gger defending her. I am royalty bitch! I dressed Beyonce! Who are they gonna believe!”

This definitely didn’t sit well with fans, so they bashed him for his alleged comment AND for stealing the other designer's design. Fans have been protesting on IG for Beyonce to boycott his designs. Even former model/John Legend’s wife Chrissy Teigen commented on the shadiness saying:

Now, in an effort to clear his name, the couture designer has released a statement claiming the offensive screenshot of him allegedly using the n-word is fake! He claims it was photoshopped and he has never used racial slurs. He explained:

Recently, a falsified image has circulated depicting Michael Costello using a derogatory racial slur. The image was created using image editing software and in no way depicts the views of Mr. Costello. ​

“I have never used, and would never use, racial slurs,” Costello expressed. “The hurtful screenshot circulating is fake and does not represent my views on society, nor do I condone the use of such a terrible term. I have worked my whole life to further the cause of equality. Diversity is the very foundation that Michael Costello (the brand) was built upon. I am deeply upset and I am struggling to understand why someone would try to tarnish my reputation by creating a fake screenshot of me using a derogatory term.”

The image of concern was distributed by an Instagram account that has continually harassed and slandered Costello in an attempt to defame his character. His family, brand and employees have all fallen victim to attacks from the account. It is believed that a disgruntled intern, who is no longer employed with the company, created the account. “Fortunately, Instagram has been very cooperative in working with Mr. Costello to delete accounts created by the people who created the false picture and who are attempting to disseminate it,” said Neama Rahmani, Michael Costello’s attorney at West Coast Trial Lawyers.

“Mr. Costello and his attorneys will continue working with Instagram and the legal system to bring these cyber bullies to justice.” As our investigation in the matter continues updates with further information will be released. #michaelcostello

Hmm...who do you believe?

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