
DEVELOPING: Apollo Nida Releasing Tell-All Book SPILLING MAJOR TEAS!

DISGRUNTLED: Apollo Nida Releasing Tell-All Book Before Serving 8 Year Prison Sentence For Fraud Charge
Apollo wants you to know something. Apollo has to report to prison Sept. 10th to begin serving an 8-year sentence for money fraud … and sources close to the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star tell us he’s been hard at work on his autobiography.

Nida’s teamed with multiple writers to get his story down on paper — focusing on his life, his upbringing, and the events that led him to prison, according to our sources … and he’s even shot a photo for the book cover already.

We’re told Apollo seems ready to face the next chapter of his life, which will include a cellmate — sooo … good luck?

And now… see the video of Apollo talk about seeing it all with Phaedra and going to jail.


Oh Lord!

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