
So The Bey Hive Gets BET to Apologize about The Blue Ivy Joke?

BET Apologizes to Jay Z and Bey for Tasteless joke about Blue Ivy
Yes, BET knew what time it was after yesterday’s debacle with Karrueche and 106 & Park poking fun at Blue Ivy Hair.  BET’s Stephen Hill took to twitter to apologize to all the parties involved and even tells everyone not to blame Karrueche…. Let me tell you why they are truly apologizing and that is because of the backlash.. It was all fun before all hell broke loose.

Certain things are off limits like children!!!! Beyonce Lite tweeted: Such poor taste BET and 106andpark!! 
Stephen Hill tweeted
“The next 4 tweets should be read as one. Last night on 106 & park there was a stupid unthoughtful joke made about a young child, We apologize publicly to the child’s parents (and have done so privately) and we have taken punitive actions with those responsible. It was very bad judgment and we will serve you much better in the future. Oh, and please don’t hate on Karrueche; it was NOT her fault. We also apologize to her for putting her in that position.”

Hill also said the network privately apologized to Beyonce and Jay Z.
BET didn't return an email seeking comment Wednesday.
Tran, who has dated singer Chris Brown on and off, tweeted Tuesday that she did not write the joke. She wrote: "Now y'all know I LOVE me some Beyonce and Blue Ivy!"

Hill also tweeted that it was not Tran's fault. "We also apologize to her for putting her in that position," he wrote.

There shouldn’t be any need for an apology if they would of just thought about their actions before they did it.. Bottomline they should’ve known better than this… Like reverend Al Sharpton said at Michael Brown’s funeral yesterday “We got to do better as black folk and stop tearing down our own kind”.  It’s unfortunate that a station for uplifting black women, thought it was cool to belittle ir make fun of a black baby’s hair!

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