
Oh Really? Towanda Braxton Throws Slight Shade At "SWV"?

Towanda Throws Slight Shade At "SWV"?
Thursday season 4 of BFV kicked off with a HEATED argument--that turned physical--between Tamar and Towanda. During an interview with ABC NEWS RADIO, Towanda explained both the breakdown and fight with Tamar.

On Tamar:  “I detested the fact that everybody thought, or everybody was feeling that Towanda was jealous of Tamar. I’m like ‘how dare you think that someone who actually volunteered to carry your child to be jealous?’ That’s ridiculous to me. And whenever Tamar needed, and whenever Tamar wanted me to be there, I was there. That whole thing stemmed from one of Tamar’s Tamartians telling Towanda that she hopes her kids get raped and killed [on Twitter]. Do you understand what I’m saying? So of course there’s a certain retaliation that wells up in you when you talk about somebody’s children.”

On her breakdown: “I couldn’t be emotional. I couldn’t let everybody know how I was really feeling because as soon as I do there’s always a [back]lash. So I suppressed every time,” the mother of two explains. “I think there was only one other time — maybe not that big — I had lashed out and that’s, like Trina said, that’s when someone talked about my children. But when we were sitting together as a family I just felt that I wasn’t being heard, and it was a long time coming.”

Ummmmmm Okay
Also, while promoting the season premiere of BFV, the Braxtons stopped by syndicated chat fest DISH NATION where they threw a little shade at fellow reality stars SWV.  When asked who'd win a fight between the two groups, the trio chimed in with slight shade.

Towanda responded, Come on now. Really? There’s five of us first of all. And we’re sisters – we’re real sisters. They’re just called sisters. We have each others’ back.

Awaiting a response from Coko, Taj, LeeLee in 5..4..3..2..1 LOL!

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