

Phaedra Parks Sits With Judge In Deposition But Refuses To Answer Questions Concerning Apollo.
Back in July, we told you Phaedra Parks was to sit in front of a judge to face questions about her
alleged criminal behavior with her ex friend Angela Staton. Phaedra Parks file a slander & defamation lawsuit against Ms. Station after Angela did a tell all interview with Vibe Magazine about the Southern Bell being apart of criminal activity. Phaedra Parks claimed it was not true, however, Phaedra put this deposition off for two years to avoid questions about her criminal activity & Nida Apollo which is part of the lawsuit she file. We got word yesterday the deposition finally taken place but Phaedra Parks wasn’t too cooperative. Parks refused to answer the question regarding the precise amount she is paid for her work on the television show, though was was unable to provide any valid reason for her refusal.

Read Below,
[Lawyer] Q: [...] Your husband recently pled guilty to a number of federal crimes, is that correct?
[Phaedra Parks Nida] A: I will not be discussing my husband

Q: Well, you don’t have to discuss him. But is is true, that your husband pled guilry to a number of federal financial crimes?
A: I will not be answering any questions regarding my husband.

Q: Okay. So you’re going to refuse to answer that question?
A: That is correct

Q: All right. Do you believe that your husband’s criminal activity had an effect on your reputation?
And I’ll note again that you’re doodling. You appear to be ignoring me. Are you refusing to answer that question as well?

A: As I have answered earlier, I will not be having any answers or discussion regarding my husband.

Q: Okay, I’m going to continue to ask you questions; and if your refuse to answer, I’m going to ask that you state that you’re refusing to answer because, if you just ignore me, I don’t know whether you are thinking about the answer or refusing to answer and we’re going to be here all day, okay.

Who is your husband? What is his name’? How about that? Will you answer that question?
A: Apollo Nida

Q: And when did you first meet Mr. Nida?
A: In the ’90s. (Hmmm interesting)

Q: He was incarcerated sometime after you met him, is that right?
A: I will not be answering questions about my husband.

Q: Okay. So you’re refusing to answer that question, correct?
A: That is correct.

Q: Okay. And if your knew you married that he had been involved in a number of criminal activities, is that correct?
Again, if you’re refusing to answer, just say it because, if you ignore me, I’m going to wait all day for you answer.
A: I will not be answering that question. (That’s because she knows all about every detail of his criminal activity. Not answering is just the same as I know all and I’m guilty too)

Q: Mr. Nida is also a cast member of Real Housewives Of Atlanta, is that correct?
A: That is incorrect.

Q” Well he appears on that television show alongside you, is that correct:
A: I will not be answering that question. (Why? He’s has been on nearly every episode of season 6 getting into fist fights and flaunting his illegal wealth. We have all seen him Phae Phae)

On one occasion, after much pulling of teeth, Parks answered a single question regarding her husband’s criminal activities, in a manner that was favorable to her, but then refused to answer any follow-up questions that would test the truth of her answer, to wit:

Q: Did you know during the time of your marriage that his income was derived from criminal activities?
A: No, I did not know that. (So where the hell did you think the money was coming from Phaedra? The Fairy OddParents?)

Q: All right. To your knowledge, what was the source of your husband’s income during your marriage?
A: As I stated, I will not be discussing my husband. He’s not a party to this case. (Au contraire mom cherie he is party to this case as you know much more than what you are saying Ms North Cow Belle and you were well aware of his ill gotten gains as you gained from the stolen fraudulent money too)

Q: Are you going to answer any more questions in detail as to this issue, this is: Did you have knowledge of his criminal activities?
A: I have answered it already, and I won’t be speaking on it further. Thank you.

Second Parks refused to answer questions regarding the contents and timing of her agreement with August publishing, which, as alleged in Stanton’s counterclaims, resulted in the publisher ceasing further marketing and sale of the book. The question of what was in that agreement is highly relevant to Stanton’s counterclaim.

To be continue…

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