
Laverne Cox in TROUBLE for campaigning for a Transsexual Child KILLER!

Laverne Cox in HOT WATER for campaigning to transfer transsexual child killer to women’s prison
Laverne Cox found herself in hot water last week for campaigning to move a convicted child murderer and child rapist to a woman’s prison.

According to Sandra Rose Cox, the Transwoman star of Netflix’s critically acclaimed web series Orange is the New Black, read a letter from Luis Morales, also known as Transwoman Synthia China Blast, who is incarcerated in a New Jersey prison for the rape, murder and burning of the body of 13-year-old Ebony Nicole Williams.

Ebony, a habitual runaway, was raped by Morales and another man, and repeatedly stabbed and sliced all over her body. When Ebony was dead, Synthia China Blast and a man stuffed her body into a Pampers box and carried it through the streets of Newark to an underpass, where Synthia China Blast set the box on fire.

Following the public backlash on Twitter.com and blogs, Cox asked The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (who created the video) to make the video private on their website — rather than pull the video down. Then Cox rushed out a statement in which she claims she was not aware of the charges against Synthia China Blast before she read Synthia China Blast letter.

Now for the rest of this story scoot on over to that BEAST Sandra Rose. Now I must admit she was not nice to Laverne at all labeling her a Man and calling her by her birth name. For a lesbian she is quite a vicious one! After reading the full account, Please share your thoughts!

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