
Could Miss Jones be returning to Hot 97 to battle Angie Martinez?

Miss Jones returning to Hot 97?
It looks like Miss Jones will be back on the radio with Hot 97, since Angie left them in the dust… Now they are getting desperate and need ratings… 
She was fired from Hot 97 back in 2008 and then fired from a station in Philly in 2011…. Remember Wendy Williams and Miss Jones had major beef.. So now that the old execs are out and new ones are in, so she may have a shot a reclaiming her throne…
According to the little birdies of LSA

Once she signs her contract, it’s done. Looking to start before 4th quarter. Are you ready?
As you remember, Miss Jones didn’t part with Hot97 on good terms the last time but now that her old bosses aren’t there anymore, things might be better.
I guess we will have to see, I mean I can see why they would choose her, because she causes controversy and Hot 97 needs all the publicity they can get right now.

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