
Beyonce’s Dancer Ashley Everett discuss Bey & Jay DIVORCE Rumors!

Beyonce’s Dancer Ashley Everett DISCUSSES Bey & Jay DIVORCE Rumors!
If anyone would know about a break-up between Beyonce and Jay Z, it would be someone very close to her. Beyonce’s long-time lead backup dancer Ashley Everett is opening up a bit about rumors that Bey and Jay could soon call it quits. Despite all of the family photos Bey has posted to her socail media accounts, there are still reports that their relationship is on the rocks.

Yahoo Insider caught up with the fab dancer and when asked about how Bey’s handling the rumors she said,
“I think after a certain amount of time there’s only so much a person can take, but she’s expressed it through her art and through her music and so I guess that’s her outlet.”
During the tour, the dancer has witnessed the couple’s onstage chemistry run the full spectrum of emotion. She said,
“It shows the love, it shows the affection. The love, the hate, the relationship, real things that go on in a relationships.”
And she also talked about how Bey has gone from being all about work to all about family:
“She is much more down to earth than I think a lot of people think. Especially now since she has Blue. She use to be like all about work and now it’s about family and Blue.”


WOW…There must be some truth to this because TRUST Beyonce is a closely guarded celebrity and I could not IMAGINE this dancer giving this interview and ‘slightly’ discussing it without Beyonce permission trust Beyonce's team sent her to do this! I guess time will tell now. I still wish them the best!

1 comment:

  1. I mean this stuff happens, when a woman has a child. The child gets more attention. The man/husband gets attention from some place else, outside the marriage. It's tough what a woman has to go through to share her child and husband's love. I wish her the best too.
