
Transsexual Student Demands Special Treatment at Christian University!

Transsexual Student Demands Special Treatment at Christian University
A gender confused George Fox University student continues the national trend of using the government to force Christians into accommodating a sexual lifestyle.

Jaycen “Jayce” Montgomery, a biological female who is “transitioning to male,” filed a federal complaint against George Fox officials who refuse to let her reside in an all-male dormitory with her friends next year.
George Fox University is a private Christian seminary school in Newberg, Oregon, near Portland. Jayce registered there in 2013 as a female. Upon admission, she signed a waiver agreeing to abide by the school’s moral, ethical and spiritual policies.
At some point after her admission to the school, Jayce decided to start living as a male. A circuit court judge legally changed Jayce’s gender to male. Jayce is identified as male on her driver’s license.

According to Jayce’s attorney, the student has not undergone sex change surgery but she is under the care of a doctor who prescribed testosterone.
Jayce claims living in the all-female dormitory frustrates her because she has the “libido of a 14 year old boy.” In addition to giving females male characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair, testosterone also increases libido.
“Living in a female dorm means that each day, the first thoughts I have are about my struggles living in a body that never felt right to me,” Jayce told the NY Times.
“I have the right, as any other male, to live on campus with males,” Jayce said.
Shortly before Jayce’s attorney filed for a Title IX discrimination complaint, the university requested and was granted a religious exemption from Title IX by The Department of Education.
The religious exemption infuriated Jayce’s mother, Janice, who created a Change.org petition to rally support for Jayce. Janice notes that Jayce plans to appeal the Department of Education’s ruling.
George Fox officials say they will allow Jayce to reside in an all-male dorm — if she proves she underwent a sex change.

In a statement on its website, George Fox states:
“Common residence halls are single-sex, defined anatomically. We are committed to residential access, and it is consistent with our beliefs and our community values that a presurgical transgendered person will be provided on-campus housing in appropriate alternative housing well-connected to the residential community. That person also has the option to live off campus.”

The school has been more than fair in its dealings with Jayce. George Fox offered to pay for off-campus housing where Jayce could live with other boys. When that offer was rejected, the school offered to provide a single room on-campus. But Jayce’s attorney claimed a single room would “psychologically harm” Jayce and deprive the student of the university social experience.

In other words, no amount of compromise will satisfy Jayce or her attorney.
Despite Jayce’s political motivations, the school and its students are fully supportive of her mental condition.

“I think the fact that Jayce is choosing to stay at George Fox shows the university community has been supportive of him during his whole experience here,” the university’s spokesman Rob Felton told the NY Times. “We may have a difference of opinion on appropriate housing, but all indications are he has been treated well by his peers, professors and our student life staff.”

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