
Did Joseline get a “Bad Bish” Beat Down at LHHATL Reunion....OR NAH?

Did Joseline get a “Bad Bish” Beat Down at LHHATL Reunion?
And it looks like the angry bird beef continues…getting dragged on stage at the reunion must be the new rage for reality TV, (think back to that epic Porsha/Kendra fade) and not one to be outdone it seems like reality ratchet Joseline Hernandez was involved in not one, but multiple altercations during the taping of the season 3 LHHATL reunion show. According to sources though it seems like “the baddest bish” may not be as bad as she claims and instead was the one on the receiving end of the beat down. According to tweets sent out by Althea aka “Ho-Thea” and Tammy, Joseline came at both of them but ended up getting more than she could handle.
At one point it was even claimed that Waka-Flocka’s mom, Deb Anteny and Scrappy’s boo thang Bambi jumped in to help Tammy after Joseline came for her. Bambi later tweeted this:
Tammy even posted a pic of her face afterwards further adding fuel to the claims that indeed Joseline was on the losing end of that fight.
Althea also claimed that Joseline’s claims of being jumped were false:
Now I always heard that it’s usually the ones with the biggest mouths that can’t fight, but dang Joseline, you can’t be starting stuff and losing not one, but two fights! Now after watching that video from the other day of her in the studio, high as a kite, you would think that she could have used some of the super human crack head strength to fight those girls. Of course Joseline had to defend herself and claims that it was the other girls, not her who took the whooping.
I guess we will have to wait until the reunion to see what actually happened.These chicks are taking messy to a whole new level!!!

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