
Apollo's Co-Conspirator Gayla Insists Phaedra Knew about the Craft?

WORD? Apollo's Co-Conspirator Gayla Insists Phaedra Knew about the Craft!
Gayla St. Julien, the woman who implicated Apollo Nida, bringing his identity theft ring to its knees,says of course his wife Phaedra knew all about his criminal activity…
Gayla St. Julien, who was sentenced to five years in prison back in April for her role in Apollo's identity theft ring breaks her silence following Apollo's sentencing and says Phaedra is wrong for not standing with her husband because she knew perfectly well what she was getting into.

Gayla tells Madame Noir,
“Well, let me tell you like this. Spouses? When one party is legitimate to a degree, and the other isn’t, there’s NO secret about it. If you reap the benefit, or get things and money and all the things that come with a lifestyle such as what we had, then I think you should ride with him. But it’s not a secret. Everybody knows that she knew, just like my husband knew. There were benefits that had been reaped and so if you go into a marriage and you know what a person is involved in, and you say ‘Okay, I can deal with it,’ and you take the diamonds, you take the trips, you take the bikes, you take the whatevers–then you take the time too. That should be the way it is. She knew what she was getting into just like my husband knew what he was getting into. If you’re getting into a situation where you don’t know what a person is about, then okay if you feel like you need to walk away, then you walk away. It’s understandable. But if your cards were laid out on the table and you knew the risks involved, and yet you decided you wanted to roll with those risks, then you roll with those risks. Period. She knew. Period. End of story. We’ll just leave it at that.

Gayla also explains the reasons why she got mixed up with Apollo in the first place and the strain the conviction has put on her family. Read the full interview here. 
OH LORD What would Bey say?

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