
PRIDE MUSIC SERIES: Have You Met Jay Blahnik? Enter The “Boombox”!

Allow me to introduce you THE NEW VOICE of an Alternative sound in dance/Rap music! LADIES AND GENTS Meet: Jay Blahnik! And you may ask who he is?

Here’s his Bio: Jay Blahnik is a recording artist, songwriter and producer whose music is often characterized as an action film that is complete with a storyline, plot and climax. The release of Boom Box and ME, which are the first two releases from the Boom Box LP, earned Jay Blahnik the #1 US and #1 Global House Music Artist on ReverbNation's Music Charts (12/13-Present). More so, the week ending January 30, 2013, Jay Blahnik charted eleven TOP 20 slots, including #1 Pop and # 1 Dance Single for the US as well as for the entire WORLD (in ALL countries) on NumberOneMusic’s Charts and "ME" entered the Independent Music Network Charts at #27; thus demonstrating that Jay Blahnik is poised to cross current musical boundaries.

Because his artistic career intersects at music, theatre and dance, Jay Blahnik's live performances are epic Broadway-styled extravaganzas. His intricate and larger-than-life street styled choreography, has earned him a reputation among noted celebrity talents such as Ashanti and Brice Vick, as one of the most creative minds and skillful performers that they've ever seen or worked with. This celebrated artist and humanitarian has received numerous awards for innovation, revolutionary and award-winning choreography, and his commitment to improving the health and well-being of marginalized and disenfranchised people.

And with that said: We sat down and chatted with The Fierce Ballroom EMCEE himself!

C.O.E:Jay Blahnik: Welcome:
JB: Thank you SO much for interviewing me.

C.O.E: So tell us about sound and you come to envision it:
JB: It’s honestly dance music that is being filtered through our (The House and Ball Community) own indigenous sounds, rhythms and syncopation.  I’ve been dancing and writing music since I was old enough to remember.  I have also been an active member of the Ballroom Community for 20 years.  As I stand between three performance-based entertainment spheres, I choose to unite them instead of keeping them separate.  Far too long, invaders from outside our community have come and robbed us of our vernacular, mannerisms and performance styles/techniques- with or without acknowledgement or any resources.  It’s time that one of us, tells our story, showcases our innovations and acknowledges all the greatness that exists within our “underground” networks; as we have made tremendous contributions in mainstream entertainment. 
So I’m giving it my all, in hopes to create a lane for all other Ballroom-based musicians and entertainers to travel.  Unfortunately, I am the first (to my knowledge) to do this; so there is no established model, method or learned lesson to guide my steps.  I’m doing this, in part, to inspire others. I am ultimately risking scrutiny, judgment, ridicule and even failure…but something inside is pulling me deeper in this direction despite the obvious obstacles!  I will face them, overcome them and celebrate the victory with my entire community!  That’s just who I am and that’s just what I am going to do… I reach for goals that are perceived to be unattainable, and then I achieve them!

C.O.E: Currently where is your home-based?
JB:  Southern New Jersey

C.O.E: Does your sound tie in with Ballroom and how so?
JB:   Please see above!
C.O.E: How is your music fairing on the dance charts
JB:  It’s been difficult…  I am essentially taking a sound that is akin to the Ballroom Community; which is comprised of Black and Latino (a) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.  Not only do I face the hurtle of introducing a new sound into mainstream markets; I also face discrimination, homophobia and sexism.  It’s a daunting task for MOST, but an exciting challenge for me.  I’ve topped every Independent Recording Artist Music Chart (nationally and globally), and among varying including Pop, Dance, EDM and House.  The music is in rotation on several radio formats and stations around the world and my music video were played during Fashion Week in NYC, on World News’ website and MTV.  With the support of my own community, topping billboard would be a breeze!

C.O.E: Where are you looking to take this sound and your message, are you looking to break in the mainstream?
JB:  Yes, shinning a positive light on and within my community is my mission.

C.O.E: As this career in music continues will you still continue your work in Advocacy in healthcare and your continued vision to help of marginalized and disenfranchised people?
JB:  Absolutely!  The more social capital that I have, the easier it is to marshal official to appropriately resource disenfranchised and marginalized communities; as well as change policies and systems that compromise access to services or work to improve the quality of them.

C.O.E: What does Jay Blahnik does in his off time?
JB:  For the past two years, I haven’t had any “ME” time.  I am writing new music for several artist, building an entertainment group, rehearsing for videos and live shows, and meeting people from around the world.  It’s the most difficult job in my entire life.

C.O.E: Will be there any upcoming performances
JB:  I’m doing shows pretty soon in Omaha, Chicago, NYC, Toronto and Jamaica scheduled. 

C.O.E: Finally any parting words you would like to leave with supporters of your music and to invite new listeners to the world of Jay Blahnik:
JB:  I encourage everyone to take an objective listen.  Anyone who has heard the LP has said that it is something beyond what they expected from our community.  Those type comments cement that fact that more of us need to be out their sharing our gifts with the world.  It’s time for our community to support its own, truly stand up and be recognized for its greatness and never ever accept defeat.  As I look towards defining my own benchmark for success, I’m convinced that I’ve already succeeded because I was courageous enough to “try!” 

So let’s all claim our community’s first GRAMMY!  Lastly, come too see one of my live shows.  As many will say, I someone who knows how to put on an exciting show.  Experience it for yourself…the stage where… Imagination meets Reality!

C.O.E: Well thank you my friend and all the best in your music career! CHEERS!
 JB: Thank You so Much for your support!

Here are a few videos and songs by Jay Blahnik
Listen to his Latest American Thumpdalina:

Also ME:

As you can see he is topping the charts:
Congratulations, Your song(s) currently in Top 20 N1M Charts:

* "ME" is #1 for Dance in United States, Pennsylvania

* "ME" is #3 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "ME (Radio Edit)" is #14 for Dance in United States, Pennsylvania

* "ME (Radio Edit)" is #10 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "ME (ACCAPELLA VOCALS)" is #18 for Dance in United States, Pennsylvania

* "ME (ACCAPELLA VOCALS)" is #12 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "Pose" is #15 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "Rock Da Bellz" is #18 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "Jack N Jill" is #19 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

* "Boom Box Part II (Interlude)" is #20 for Pop in United States, Pennsylvania

To preview and purchase his current release BOOMBOX! Just go HERE!

To see his previous releases GO HERE

And to find out all things Jay Blahnik you can GO HERE: Please support these independent artists in their endeavors! 

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