
Not only Apollo but Now The Feds want to see Phaedra’s Finances?

Not only Appollo but Now The Feds want to see Phaedra’s Finances?
Earlier news leaked that Apollo Nida had been ordered to produce his financial records for a deposition in connection with his guilty plea for bank fraud and identity theft

Turns out the Fed want a look at wife Phaedra's books as well...

Apollo Nida returns to federal court on June 10th to sit for a deposition in compliance with his plea agreement. According to the documents obtained by Tamaratattles.com, the deposition will continue “from day-to-day until adjourned.” So I guess they will continue to meet with him for as long as it takes to get all the information that they are requesting. As is typical, they are requesting a lot. What I find interesting is that in his plea deal, the Feds agreed to tell the judge that Apollo had no money to pay any fines with. I assumed from that the Feds had already examined his financial situation in detail. Or maybe it was just their way of saying his assets did not exceed the amount he will owe in restitution.

This examination is crucial for the 2.3 million restitution he will have to pay back to the victims. Despite Apollo not believing he actually as any victims, the government believes that Apollo is indeed a “thief of that essence.”  The government wants to marshal all of his assets (and Phaedra’s to the extent they are the proceeds of or derived from the stolen funds) so they can figure out how to divide what he has to provide restitution to the victims; any balance remaining after they sell and liquidate his assets (and Phaedra’s if they can prove they came from stolen funds) will be included in a restitution order.

Here is what he is being asked to provide the AUSA on Tuesday:

1. Earning statements from your most recent paychecks. Um, paychecks? He MIGHT have gotten one for the Husbands Tell All episode of RHOA, but other than that, they are going to need to go back to is 25 cents an hour toilet scrubbing job in prison the last time. He’s not exactly a W-2 kind of guy. Oh and I guess the money from all his domestic violence speaking engagements and hosting events at strip clubs. Because those are two of his favorite things.

2. Business records for the present year and past calendar year which reflect assets, liabilities, gross receipts and expenses for any sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation in which you, or your spouse, own any interest. If Phaedra Apollo tried to funnel money to Phaedra or put money  into a trust for their kids, this is the time where that info could come out. The good news is he kept his receipts for all of those bidness meetings at da skrip club where he made it rain and left them on the counter for Phaedra. So clearly, he keeps good records. Even if Phaedra is not implicated in the criminal activity, her assets may still be at risk if a single dime can be proven to have come as a result of the fraud.

3. Current bank statements for the past 12 months from all banks or other financial institutions, where any sole  proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation in which you, or your spouse, own any interest, or have an account of any kind.

4. Current bank statements for the past 12 months from all banks, or other institutions, where you, or your spouse, have an account of any kind. I hate that they are only going back one year on the bank accounts. I guess they just want to see what the balances are now and then decide which if any accounts they want to investigate further. 

5. All trust agreements in which you, or your spouse, are named trustor, trustee or beneficiary. Nope, can’t hide it in a family trust for the boys. Sorry.

6. All deeds, leases, contracts, and other documents representing any ownership interest you, or your spouse, or any of your businesses have in any real property, and all deeds of trust, mortgages, or other documents evidencing encumbrances of any kind on your real property, including all information on all rental properties owned by yourself and or your spouse. Speaking of real property, I told you guys that Phaedra was keeping her assets separate from Apollo’s way back when she bought the new house in her name only in April of 2013. My guess is that Phaedra hasn’t co-mingled a nickel with Apollo that the Feds can prove.

7. All stocks, bonds, or other securities of any class you may own, by you separately or jointly with others, including options to purchase any securities.

8. Titles to all motor vehicles owned by you or your spouse. Both real and imaginary?
9. All life insurance policies in which you are either the insured or the beneficiary.

10. All promissory notes held by you, and all other documents evidencing any money owed to you either now or in the future.

11. All financial statements furnished by you within the past five years.

12. All deeds, bills of sale, or other documents prepared in connection with any transfer made by you, either by gift, sale,
or otherwise within the last five years. These two at least go back five years and should be very interesting.

13. A schedule of all regular expenses paid by you, such as installment debts, food, utilities, etc. Include the amount
paid, the payee, and, if an installment debt, the amount of debt owing and any security pledged. Don’t forget the strippers!

14. All documents evidencing any interest you have in any pension plan, retirement fund, or profit-sharing plan. LOL.

15. All records pertaining to your assets and finances.

16. Copies of income tax returns for the past three years. Um, I don’t think career criminals file tax returns.

17. All records of any unincorporated business of which you arean owner or part-owner, or have been an owner within the past three years.

18. All Homeowners Policy which covers your property (s) and anyother insurance policies covering any contents therein.

So this may take a few days.  On a not really related topic, I heard on the news the other day a storm about a sexual assault that occurred on a young lady at a prom party. Several young men were arrested. They each had bail set at $51,000.  My point is, I still don’t get how someone gets arrested for stealing 2.3 million dollars and the bond is set so low.

In other news, I am sure Phaedra is thrilled to have to produce all of her own financial documents. Do you think she will show up at the deposition?


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