
No Mo Gay? Tae Heckard is leaving her WIFE for her MAN Brandon Jennings?

So Tae Heckard is cashing in on her Lesbian card to Marry Brandon Jennings?
Tae Heckard Ends Domestic Partnership to Marry Brandon Jennings 
Video vixen Tae Heckard is ready to marry Detroit Pistons Brandon Jennings but first she has to divorce her wife… 
According to TMZ Tae Heckard just filed papers to legally end her domestic partnership with former mate Monique Blanton.

Tae also dropped Blanton as her last name restoring her legal name Heckard.
Tae and Monique partnered up in 2008 and separated in 2011.
Brandon Jennings confirmed his engagement to Tae Heckard earlier this month
So I guess Tae is doing the same thing that Amber Rose did. Which gender can generate the most coins WINS?

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