
I don’t Believe this! But Is Beyonce and Jay Z Headed for Divorce?

I don’t believe it But Is Beyonce and Jay Z Headed for Divorce?
All of the tabloids this week posted that Bey and Jay Z are headed for DIVORCE! I know when they say ‘when there’s smoke, there is fire’ most times is true. But I don’t know about this one.

But according to  Life & Style magazine an ‘alleged’ insider to the couple claims:
"Beyoncé is extremely careful about her image, and everything she does is thought out and planned," a family insider reveals in this week’s issue of Life & Style, on stands now. "She is obsessed with them appearing as the perfect family."
But the reality is very different. With rumors of cheating, violent fights, name-calling and extreme jealousy, the couple are now struggling to maintain their fairytale facade.
"It's been really rocky for them," says the insider. "There is trouble in paradise. Divorce is inevitable — and Beyoncé's only option."

I know this for sure. That ‘On The Run’ tour will go on because there is much $$$$$ to make. 

And time will only tell what will happen afterwards. Beyonce is definitely a ‘crafted’ image and that is why when things occur (i.e. the elevator incident). It always leads to suspicions. One thing I will say about Rihanna she truly doesn’t care what people think. That’s why she wilds out the way she does. Now I'm not saying if that is a good thing at all because at times she looks 'reckless'. But we all know Beyonce just can’t do that. Still I don’t believe this at this time. And I only wish them the best! 

As for Solange???????? %$#@*&^ LOL!

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