
Dwayne Wade to his Ex-Wife NO you can't see the kids for Mother's Day!

Dwyane Wade denying Ex-Wife the right to see kids on court-ordered approved Mother’s Day
It’s ashame when a man purposely tries to keep his children away from their mother, Dwyane Wade is trying to battle his  ex-wife over court approved visitation on mother’s day. This all according to Sio…. Dwyane is such a bird, an ugly one at that..
According to Gossip Extra:
Funches’ lawyer says Wade, who’s expected to play in a second-round of the NBA playoffs against the Brooklyn Nets starting tomorrow, is refusing to have the two boys dropped off at their mother’s house by May 11, Mother’s Day.
“Anything Dwyane and his lawyers do to make my client’s life a living hell, they do,” said the Boca Raton-based family-law guru Lisa Macci. “They’ve announced their intention of denying her a court-ordered Mother’s Day visitation, so I’m filing an emergency motion to force them to hand her the children on Mother’s Day.”
These PR nightmares coupled with the break baby is the reason the whole fatherhood and daddy of the year thing will not work.

But as a man sows so shall he reap, whether the mother is crazy, deranged or strange she was good enough to birth your two sons. Sad state of affairs for his boys…

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