
R.H.o.A's Cynthia Bailey Accused of Fraud?

Cynthia Bailey Accused of Fraud!
Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey accused of running a scam on The Bailey Agency website...

A local grandmother reached out to CBS 46 in Atlanta to complain about being scammed by the Bailey Agency School of Fashion.
Apparently there is a monthly contest on the Bailey Agency website where contestants can submit modeling photos, plus a $20 entry fee, for a chance to be featured on the website. Winners were to be chosen monthly with a portion of the proceeds donated to charity.
The problem is the site hasn't been updated since October 2013 but the Bailey Agency is still accepting entries along with their $20 entry fee.
Making matters worse the charity benefiting from the contest, Atlanta Diaper Relief, shut down six months ago.
CBS 46 reached out to Cynthia who defended her modeling agency explaining,
"First of all I think that's a very negative approach to the whole situation, that's not like their $20 wasn't being used for what it was intended for. It's just a matter of us being in transition on our side and we were just behind on the website. But now it's updated."
Cynthia also revealed that 'Kile's World,' the charity founded by Usher's ex-wife Tameka Raymond in honor of her son Kile Glover, would replace Atlanta Diaper Relief as the charity benefiting from the contest going forward.

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