
Oh My, Centino Kemp has really spilled Teas on Eddie Long!

The First Lady by Centino Kemp

Talk about ‘Scandal’ Olivia Pope can’t save this! This book is scandalous!!!!!!!! If true Bishop Long what were you thinking? I know this was written a year ago. But I have just gotten around to reading this and Oh My?

Well according to the folks over at RWS. They said it plainly
First things first: The First Lady by Centino Kemp is a quick and dirty read and very well written.
Second thing: The Bishop described in this book is a rapist, an abusive boyfriend and a big ole top…LOL!

And now a synopsis about the book
In the beginning Centino describes the emotional void left by both his mother and father who abandoned him at age two to be raised by grandparents on a tiny island in the Bahamas.
Centino asserts the absence of a father in his life drove him to seek affection from men and remembers having gay feelings as young as five years old.

Centino’s relationship with his mother was also dysfunctional with her consistently choosing relationships with men over a relationship with her son.
At 16 years-old Centino earned a full scholarship to a small college in Florida and left the Caribbean for the first time since he was a baby.
At the end of his first week of school Centino and his new friends took a road trip to Atlanta and partied all weekend.

That Sunday Centino suggested they attend church before heading back to school and the group ended up at a local mega-church just outside Atlanta.

After the service the Bishop approached Centino and they exchanged phone numbers.
The Bishop called Centino almost immediately and set up a meeting for later that day under false pretenses.

They met. The Bishop took Centino to a hotel room and raped him. It was Centino’s first sexual experience.
After that Centino and the Bishop carried on a torrid affair for the next six years.
The Bishop spent lavishly on Centino setting him up in a gated community in Pompano Beach and depositing five figures into his bank account at the beginning of each month.
Centino and the Bishop had a private commitment ceremony where the Bishop presented him with a humongous diamond ring and asked him to be his First Lady.

Too bad all that glitters ain’t gold. The Bishop was also insanely jealous, possessive, physically abusive and not to mention a married, closeted, gay man.
Centino attended church with the Bishop and sat on the front row right next to the Bishop’s wife wearing a bigger diamond ring than hers.
Centino said the Bishop justified his sexuality by claiming pastoring was simply his occupation and that what he did behind closed doors should not prevent him from doing his job.

Centino also said he wasn't the only kept boy by a mega-church pastor and that he would always see other young men tucked away in hotel rooms whenever he accompanied the Bishop to church conventions around the country.

Centino eventually broke up with the Bishop after getting tired of being abused and finding out the Bishop was cheating on him with other young men and realizing he would never truly be the Bishop's First Lady.
The break-up was messy and Centino had to go into hiding because the Bishop threatened his life.
After a failed suicide attempt Centino ended up in a psych ward which is where he was when he learned that several young men from the church had come forward accusing the Bishop of sexual misconduct.
The end of the book is a letter from Centino to the Bishop’s wife apologizing to her and wishing her good luck.
The First Lady by Centino Kemp is available on Amazon

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