
Did Chaka Khan Shade Beyonce OR NOT?

Did Chaka Khan Shade Beyonce OR NOT?

Hollywood Today caught up with music icon Chaka Khan on the red carpet and remarked that she 'looked flawless like the Beyonce song.'

It looked Ms. Khan was not impressed but seriously watch this.

To me Actually she looks like she was responding to the flawless comment before he even said "like the beyonce" video....as in maybe she wasnt diggin the flawless comment. IJS But you know that RABID Bey Hive seems to go CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs over anything if you don’t agree with Yonce!
Again to me It was unprofessional for the guy to ask her about Beyonce's song, when he was supposed to interview her about her. She didn't even say anything, she just rolled her eyes, it was because he was rude. 
In interviews before, they would not ask about other astists, they would keep about them, now everyone want to be hot by keeping Beyonce name in their mouth.

Good for you Chaka, ignore the question in all

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